28 ~ Emery and Everything

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This'll be interesting.

I walk off the elevator on Ads floor, walking past her apartment to the one next door. Ads had the "brilliant" idea for me, Adelaide, and Jonathan to hang out today. She said that if I'm going to be her best friend I also need to get along with her boyfriend. And since I love her, I obviously want to at least try.

This will also be the last weekend he's here because he leaves on Thursday. Adelaide won't stop talking about it. I have a feeling she's gonna be mopey and whiny all of winter break.

I knock firmly and get distracted by an old woman holding a rat looking dog that walks past me.

The door opens, "You must be Emerson."

I internally groan and glare at the boy who got my name wrong. My eyes widen on the boy who isn't Jonathan Miller. He has pitch black hair, it's natural because his thick eyebrows and eyelashes are the same shade. His ice blue eyes look over me, a sly smile forming on his pink lips.

He's blatantly checking me out.

"It's Emery. Actually," I look past him into the apartment and sigh, "Isn't this Jonathan's apartment?"

He shifts his body to block my view and leans his built body on the doorframe. "Maybe. Y'know somethin?" He looks down both sides of the hallway and leans in to whisper, "You're really pretty, the red hair and slanted eyes make you look exotic."

My nose screws up by his sudden compliment, "Did you seriously just say that?"

His smirk grows and meets his eyes, showing his perfect white teeth, "Yup. And I meant it. I don't lie."

Ha. The way he looks and the way he's flirting with me practically proves he's the type to lie to get an easy lay. I've dealt with his type enough to know better. Especially my ex. He looks nothing like my ex but the vibe is similar.

I cross my arms, "Are you going to let me in or not?"

He lifts his hands in surrender and moves to one side of the doorway. I roll my eyes and step past him.

"Is Em here yet, Nick?" Adelaide shouts from deeper in the apartment. So his name is Nick. Guess he's Jonathan's brother or something.

A smile works it's way through my annoyance at hearing Adelaide's voice. All my childhood friends moved away after middle school, we lost contact after awhile so I guess we were never really friends. Meeting Adelaide made me realize how much I yearned for a friend like her.

I turn the corner to Adelaide and Jonathan sitting next to each other on the couch. "Heyo!"

Adelaide jumps up and runs to me, "Took you long enough!"

She hugs me and I laugh, "I'm like 5 minutes early?"

She lets go and waves her hand dismissively, "Not early enough." She turns and smiles at Jonathan, "You guys haven't been properly introduced huh?"

I turn my deadpan gaze towards Jonathan. Adelaide goes on and on about him. About how the rumors are all made up, how nicely he treats her and how much she likes him but I'm still skeptical.

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