06 ~ Handsy and Hand-outs

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I decided to post a extra long chapter



What are the odds Addy has English the same class period as me? When she tapped me in the hallway, I was ready to throw punches again. I thought it was one of Greg's buddies. Imagine my surprise when I turned to see Adelaide. With unshed tears in her eyes no less. Of course she had to witness that. Who knows what's going through her head right now?

"Jonathan.........Johnny.........Jonathan Miller, Im talking to you! Where are you taking me?" Addy yells while yanking at her arm, trying to get out of my grip.

I ignore responding to her for now while I try to get away from the busy hallways. Once I reach the girls bathroom I burst inside, shutting the door behind me. It's empty. Good, that would've been troublesome.

I let go of her arm and she huffs. "What was that Jonathan? You attacked someone?" Addy interrogates, frantically trying to find some answers.

"You think I started that? You saw him, he was loving it! Probably trying to be the hero who finally defeated the villain of Black Valley Prep," I defend myself.

"Then what happened Miller? Tell me. All of it," she demands, hopping on the sinks behind her to sit and wait for me to explain.

Ugh. Damn it. I'm not good with this kinda stuff. I usually just forget and move on. Now I'm defending myself to a girl who is hell bent on not leaving me alone.

I lean on one of the stalls in front of her and sigh. Okay. We're doing this.

"I was coming back from the bathroom to get in line to get my textbooks when I saw Greg with his friends. He noticed me and started stomping towards me with a ugly smirk spread across his face," I explain, checking to see if Adelaide is listening.

"Okay. Then what?"

I continue, "When he got to me he started to throw a punch, but I admit, I did shove him away and he slammed his face into the lockers." I pause when I hear a sound come from Addy.

She noticed I stopped and quickly tries to erase the small smile on her face. "Sorry, continue." At least she finds humor in Greg Adams's pain. Finally something we have in common.

"As I was saying, after that, he threw two more punches at full force and missed both times, hitting the wall. I swear that shithead is all brawn and no brain. After that is when one of his buddies from the team ran and got a fucking teacher saying I was beating him up or something. I assume you saw the rest." She nods with confirmation.

I stand there for a couple minutes while she absorbs the information. She isn't going to believe me. Why would she?

"I believe you."

I narrow my eyes at her for a beat then ask "Why?"

She hops off the sink and smiles, "I don't know, I just do."

"What does that even mean? You "just do"? You're just going to take my word for it? You have heard the rumors right?" I ask, wondering if she's just playing dumb.

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