15 ~ Nick and Nicknames

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Yesterday, after we left the empty classroom we parted ways to our own classrooms to get our things. I didn't see Adelaide the rest of the day because I had to help Nick fix his moms car. Then I ended up staying over at his house.

He "needed" my car again for god knows what. I don't even want to think about it. I'm going to have to disinfect the whole thing with bleach at this rate.

I let him borrow it anyway, so he took me to school this morning. Despite having Adelaide's phone number, neither of us texted each other since school yesterday. After what happened I have no idea how to act around her anymore. Considering her personality and what I've noticed so far with her relationship with her red haired friend. She's big with physical affection. I'm not but when it comes to Addy, I like it when she's near me. I like hugging her and touching her.

However, I am not used to anything touchy without the expectation of sex. Don't get me wrong, I've only slept with a handful of girls on the very rare occasion I drank too much at a party. I definitely don't want mine and Adelaide's relationship to be based on sex. But I've never dated or had a girlfriend. When I was friends with Dani and Bree our relationship never involved physical affection. Bree tried to be affectionate towards the beginning of our friendship but once I told her I didn't like it she stopped, but only for a while.

I noticed Bree looked at me differently compared to how she did Mac and Taylor. It made me uncomfortable so I encouraged Mack to try getting with Bree because he's always had a thing for her, everyone could tell. Bree had to know, she'd ignore it though. Still does from what I can tell. Mack is always next to her or behind her, looking at her with his sad puppy dog eyes hoping she'll take pity on him. That dumb bastard.

But then things took a turn.

Bree would start showing up at my place alone, saying the others were busy. I didn't think anything of it at first but then it started to happen way too often.

She would leave things at my place, Nick would tell me it was her way of marking her territory. Mack questioned me about it and I just brushed it off.

Then one day she showed up in the middle of the night while I was asleep. Her knocking woke me up, I was annoyed but I still got up to see who it was. The second I opened my door she leaped on me, planting a kiss to my lips.

I pushed her off me, asking her what she was doing. She got mad, saying she thought I felt the same.

I corrected her, telling her I only saw her as a friend. She started to cry and left.

After that she would start dressing really provocatively, clinging to me in public. I told her as many times as I could I didn't feel the same way but she just kept doing it. She started telling the others in our friend group and even people at school that we were together.

When I would bring it up to her she would lie and say that it wasn't her and that someone was probably just spreading rumors because me and her are so close, laughing it off.

The breaking point was at the beginning of summer when she showed up to my place again, the night of her birthday. I couldn't make it to her party because I had to work. She knocked on my door, crying, makeup running down her face. I let her in, offering her something to drink so she could calm down. When I asked her what was wrong she wrapped her arms around me. She started to beg me to say I loved her. I apologized because I couldn't say that, it wasn't true. But then she said something that made me pity her.

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