20 ~ Mom and Mistakes

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As Jonathan and I stand starstruck in front of my mother, I get hit with a flashback.

"Adelaide. Explain yourself," Mom puts my report card in front of me on the table.

"This is my first F ever mom. It's only the end of the first quarter, I can make it up."

I don't understand why shes mad? I thought she wouldn't care like always. She'd usually just encourage me to do better. I only started high school a couple months ago, I'm extremely stressed out already.

She puts on a soft smile and my worries begin to disappear. She sits in a chair next to me, holding my hand in hers.

She sighs, "It's always excuses."

My heart drops. Her eyes start to look unfocused, "First with your father. Now with you. I expected more."

I know her and dad have been fighting a lot and thats why he went to stay with Uncle Hugh for a while. But I don't understand what she is talking about. Why is she being scary?

My heart begins to race, "I'm sorry, I'll ask for extra credit-"

She cuts me off, "- it's not about extra credit. It's the fact that you haven't been focusing honey. I'm going to have to cut down on how much you go see your dad. You can see him twice a week."

I shake my head frantically, tears prickling my eyes, "But I only see him four days a week now, Katy and Alex get to spend 4 weekdays with him after school and the weekends! I don't understand why I can't too! You can't give me even less! This isn't fair! I miss him!"


Mom takes a deep breath and rubs her temples. She stands up, letting go of my hand, and walks to the other side of the table.

I rub at the tears streaming down my cheeks. I hate crying in front of people. No one knows how to comfort me so I just feel annoying.

She turns to me with a look I never thought I'd see directed towards me. Pure disappointment.

"Stop talking back and just do as you're told. You're 15 Adelaide. Stop whining like a child."

I swear I can feel my heart physically break. She only ever looked at dad like that. To have it directed at me, by my own mother? Its...overwhelming.

"Adelaide? Why aren't you answering the question?"

The flashback fades in my mind and I'm brought back to the hallway with Jonathan and my mom. With that same look on her face.

I glance at Jonathan in panic. Jonathan's eyes snap to me and his brows furrow. He can tell I'm freaking out. He motions for us to set down the latter so we do.

He brushes his hands on his pants, plasters a perfect model smile and approaches my mom. He's giving off a light and safe vibe, my mom's wariness easing.

He hold his hand out, "Hi, I'm Jonathan Miller. I live next door. Me and Addy go to the same school."

Her eyes shamelessly look him up and down in obvious judgment. She slowly places her hand in his, "Josephine Harper. Adelaide's mother."

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