Chapter 24

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Lucy's POV

I have the ring and everything's planeeedd! I hope it goes well... I prayed as I covered everything that was special with groceries and other things. I had just noticed my teeth chattering as I turned the corner, looking as leaves on golden trees began to glide to the floor, every hue on the now dead leaf a mixture of red, maroon, orange and yellow at the point down the the stem. Letting myself watch them a moment longer, I tore my gaze away and walked to our quaint house. Entering the building, I quickly threw off my boots and coat before walking inside in my socks. I breathed in the heated air and carried my basket to the kitchen - stashing it into the back of the spare cups and plates cupboard after taking out the shopping.

After grabbing an apple I saw a peaceful Juvia, sitting alone with her head facing down. I quickly walked over, my mind sharp with worry. "What's wrong... that's," I stopped, staring down at the pile of my books and the book in her hand. My Still Waters series! I let out an inaudible gasp as I realised all the 50 books in my first series of books sat in one pile. Another was my Down to Earth pile... followed by a few more pushed together... which must be the unread ones for the books in the other two piles had minor creases in the fold and back. The blue haired girl hadn't  even heard me, too absorbed into reading my novels.

"I'm so glad you like them, but now you don't have to be bored alone!" I said right into her ear, watching as she flushed and looked at me in a singular motion. I jumped on her, over the couch and into my girlfriends arms. A laugh escaped her pink lips, turning into a smile as she steadied herself. "Yeah they're really good, but um..." Juvia placed down the book and her smile began to fade. I immediately started thinking about all the worse things that could happen, not even noticing that I'd stopped breathing till Juvia shook me. "Listen,"


An explanation later and I was speechless. "They're taking away everyone's magic but ours and what us to protect the magical sites they couldn't remove?!" I spewed out the information floating in my mind. Juvia simply nodded, her flowing locks bouncing as she moved her head. I let out a few deep, slow breaths, calming myself down. I looked at her once more. "I doubt magic will ever last... at least we can still see them." I murmured, clutching my chest as wet tears threatened it spill. "I know Lucy... I know," My future wife cooed, rubbing my head as she embraced me. "I only got to see her for a small time, I barley got to know her again!" I yelled, the blankets she wrapped around us muffling the sound. "It's unfair, it's always unfair but we still have it daughters... and each other. I could wish for more but I'm content with what I have... because with you I know I can do anything I want, have anything I want. Live, Love, be with you." She whispered into my ear, wrapping around me again. I let my quiet sobs cease after a moment, before the sound of thudding footsteps caused me to clean my tears in haste, moving slightly away but still embracing Juvia.

"Ver? What's wrong?" I asked hastily, but the face she wore was filled with happiness. "I know about the whole magic situation by the way, so your mothers left a list of what they're getting rid of first... it's magic based illnesses!" Vermillion cheered, holding a piece of paper in her hands. I think I screamed, or was it a cheer? I didn't know nor really cared as I jumped over the couch and ran up the stairs at full speed. Turning the corner swiftly, I opened the room to find the two cheering and dancing around. "Yes!" I cried and joined in, seeing Vermillion and Juvia walk through the door and join in our conga line. "Alright enough partying, we need to pack," I winked at Juvia, who giggled in return as we left the dancing circle. "Good luck with them now," I teased, walking out the room and down to my corridor.

As soon as the euphoria began to disappear, I realised the end of magic has already started. "Can't believe it huh?" Juvia murmured, walking past me and opening our bedroom door. I nodded and walked inside after her, heading to pull out a suitcase for the weekend get away. "I'm sure we'll be fine, I just can't believe the guilds going to disappear... luckily most of our friends are staying... But some are still leaving." I grumbled, taking out the outfits I was sure I'd need, the most important things and a bathing suit. I filled the rest of my half with some things I wanted to have. Juvia had already begun to pack up. "I know what you mean... not much we can do about it though," her voice was melancholy, accepting reality with a calm face. She closed the suitcase and put out two pairs of pjs - one for me and one for her.

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