Chapter 16

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Juvia's POV

I dried my hair and began to put on a simple, long navy blue dress with a white fur trim and a white silk sash. It cut off before the shoulders and two bands of fabric wound around my upper arms, white fur lined them. The top of my dress had white fur as well, a necklace of pink and gold sat on my chest as I reached for my hair. My simple style of makeup included using magic to do it for me. Curling my hair with a spell, it lay like it usually did down my back and a small bit on my left side. Walking slowly, I check on my girls, who had been dressing in their GMG after party dressed.
They had somehow worn it upside down. I sigh and straighten their dresses, leading them downstairs to wait for the late side of the house.

Soon they had hurried downstairs, the kids talking to each other as the familiar clicking footsteps of my love walked up to me. I met her eyes, passionate and a milky chocolate brown. "Well aren't you beautiful," she reached her hand down to me and I return it, sitting up from the couch. I let out a small giggle. "I may be but your eyes glow so brightly, the sun envies them." Lucy turned bright red and I broke out laughing. "Let's go," I open a portal and out we walk into the night air if the portal hub.

The kids had been here before, mostly to go to different worlds for training, but they'd never seen my mothers home. They walked quickly along as we pointed out directions. We walked hand in hand up the beautiful landscape. "You know when you asked me how I feel about you, on the night of the GMG after party?" I ask Lucy, who nodded a bit flushed. "Well I wanted to say I love you the best out of anyone, but you were already so flushed I thought it might kill you." I giggle softly as the cityscape disappeared and the richer mansions littered the mountains and valleys around us.

Lucy smirked, "It's a skill!" She did a curtsy as she walked on, looking at me as bold as ever. God... I sound so cheesy....

I have never in my life been more glad to see home. Or nervous.....

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