Chapter 7

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Lucy's POV

We walked to the Sabertooth guild with curiosity. The new guild Master was the childish Sting, even though everyone thinks that Rogue would be a better leader than him. I even heard that some people bet on how long he'd last. He's been Guild Master for a month and nothing's changed. Still a kid and a flirt... like that Dragneel. The very thought of his name my blood boil. I let out a deep breath but as we neared the Guild doors. We saw Yukino and Minerva both outside. Yukino was balling her eyes out and Minerva was clearing pissed - but she also looked sad. I raced up with a worried look and quickly asked what was wrong. "Those- Those..." Minerva breathed in and out before continuing. "Those jerks kicked us out for being too weak!! They even... even beat us up for fun..." tears threatened to spill out and her voice quaked. I was beyond furious - where they taking lessons from Fairy Tail now!! "Want to get revenge?" I asked them with a smile. The rest had caught up and Juvia extended a hand to them. Minerva looked at me, then Juvia, then her hand and then to Yukino. She looked as if the world had crumbled beneath her, only to have 3 more placed on her back. With a determined gaze, she grabbed Juvia's hand and we walked off.
"Guess that's a 0... man these guilds aren't doing good at all. Next we have Lamia Scale... oh joyous fun will await us there." Brandish said in her sarcastic tone - and like always Juvia started laughing. I let out a light hearted chuckle as we headed towards the Minerva's house.

It was well furnished and nice looking, I enjoyed the smell of cinnamon as we sat down in the lounge. "How will we get revenge?" Minerva asked, "Ever since Fairy Tail beat Sabertooth... they've idolised them... tried to be like them and then they got rid of the weak ones. Like what happened to Lucy and Juvia..." she sighed as we all shared a glance. "They never got revenge, most people say they've committed suicide..." with a sudden jolt I stood up. "What?!!? Of course not!!" I quickly sat down and covered my mouth after the outburst. "How do you know?" The black haired wizard asked, her eyes revealing concern and glazed with sorrow. "I-I..." I stuttered but Juvia placed a hand in my arm and turned to Minerva to speak.

"Your looking right at them..."

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