Chapter 10

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Juvia's POV

"AGAIN!" I called as Minerva hit at the Dragon again. Tide, the water dragon, had agreed to give her one of her children to help Minerva train. This one was called Cove, she was pretty fierce but tended to go for offence instead of defence... which made her less aware. I hadn't told Minerva that, I hoped she would realise it soon and use that to her advantage. However, they're both ridiculously thick-headed. 

Minerva just kept on attacking and attacking, she had tried to use her usual magic but I had quickly disarmed it. I tried to keep calm through the fight but my patience was wearing thin. "STOP!" I cried in frustration as they blasted each other with water... both weak splashes. "Cove, go rest up. I'm going to have a one on one session with Minerva," I heard her huff, a loud snort and stormed off. I jumped down the cliff, gliding down the waterfall. The valley beyond was filled with Rivers and a huge lack. All the pretty vegetation was destroyed and Vermillion would be furious. She quite liked this Garden and seeing it destroyed would make her weep tears of fury... or fire.

I walked across the smaller stream and looked at Minerva, who was knee-deep in water and clearly defeated. "Your magic wasn't concentrated and unusable. Water is about emotions, like most of the main elements. Fire, water, earth and air require stability, otherwise they become useless... or dangerous. But in your case, it was because your emotions were focused on something futile. So... we have to get rid of that thought." Minerva looked up and sighed. I helped her up out of the water and I towered over her. Probably because I'm standing on water and she's in it. 

"How?" she asked desperately, I looked around and with her hand in mine, walked towards the centre. "What can I do..." her Black hair was loose down her back and her makeup was off. She was in a basic training outfit. Black leggings and a tight blue T-shirt with bracelets on her arm. They helped with focusing her magic.

"I hoped a battle would make you focus on winning, that would have given you an edge... but you didn't even search for any weaknesses and just attacked senselessly. I thought you had more sense." I patted her head like I would to Nashi, when she failed at doing a spell. Lucy usually didn't look at their training as she did a lot of the work in the house we shared. I cleared my mind and sighed. "But anyway, some easy meditation should fix you up quickly. Then you could win against every one of Tide's dragonets." I stopped walking as we neared a fountain made of water. It flowed upwards, and didn't send any spray around. "Now copy me." 

Minerva nodded and I sat down in the water. I crossed my legs and put my hands outwards. Minerva copied me. "Now watch and then copy, I don't want you rushing this." Minerva nodded and I closed my eyes. I imagined everything around me at once and then my mind froze. It felt like I was submerged in water, in the best way. I imagined bubbles in my palms and water around me, spiralling. I opened my eyes and I was in a bubble of spiralling water. "Now you try, I'll tell you when to open your eyes." I stepped up and the water fell. Minerva sighed, closing her eyes. "Make yourself calm, feel like you're underwater... then imagine yourself controlling it." I walked around her, perfectly quiet as my student of sorts did her work. Walking around her from a longer distance each circle. 

Suddenly water bubbles, appeared in Minerva's palms and around her in the air. It started spinning and spiralling. I fought to stop myself from clapping and smiled at her progress. It wasn't perfect as she tensed to focus. "Breathe," I said every time she would and with slight hesitation, she relaxed and all seemed well. She did tricks in her mind and everything changed around her. With a smile, I touched her gently and the water fell down slowly. "You can open your eyes now." I murmured quietly and stepped back as Minerva rose to her feet and opened her eyes. Her black orbs were filled with wonder as the water started swirling again as it descended, like a flowing river. She clapped her hands together and looked back with a smile. 

"I did it..." she breathed with a light in her eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time. I nodded and together we walked back. I had told Cove to meet us when we had got there, but the unruly dragonet decided to take her sweet time. "Remember, emotions are in control, not your mind. Use the thought of winning and safety, to fight." I instructed her with a smile, before walking off and jumping upon the cliff again. I downed a glass of lemonade before commencing the fight. 

I wonder how Lucy's doing?

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