Chapter 20

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Lucy's POV

I expected a large impact... then to absorb it. But the blinding light barely even scratched me. It didn't even touch me... I frown as I see our enemies on deaths door. Ezra stood for a moment with a blood soaked, burned face. "What the..." She looked at Wendy, walking towards her with a giant sword. "You dare attack us!" She rasped and went to swing, before her arm fell short and swiftly sliced through her other arm. Screaming in agony as she buckled on the floor with a loud impact. It was a nice silence. "Thank you Ver," I pat the Requip mages head and walk towards Wendy. She looked at me with tears and I smiled. The battle was won...

The sound of panting and running caused me to turn. Juvia was nimbly go over injured and fighting her way through the crowd to me. I drop my dagger, letting it impale Erza's hand. I run up and open my arms as she runs into me. Tears fell from her ocean eyes and a cup her cheek. "What are you doing crying, we won silly. Thanks to Wendy." I grin and rub her head softly. As she sinks into me with tears. "You have no idea how worried I was about you stupid!" my droplet cried and began lightly hitting me with her fists. "Owww! Stop that hurst. I just fought for us you know?" I tease, sticking out my tongue as she looks up at me, pouting with glossy eyes. "Your mean!" She cries and sinks into me with fumbling tears. I feel my eyes gloss over as a single tear rolls down my cheek. It shocked me a bit as more fell. "I was worried you'd get stupidly hurt, the kids are all worried sick." She grumbled while smothered in my chest. I open my mouth to defend my self but more tears flow into my mouth, causing me to shut my mouth. "I need you idiot! The kids need you and I do not want you doing anything stupid! Got it!" I nod simply as a loud thump interrupts us. I look over and see Wendy on the floor, pale and sheet white. Vermillion shoots me a sly smirk as she goes to help. Minerva rushes over and looks at us. "Go to your kids okay? But no more scenes or else Yukino will spread the shipping fuel!" She teases, trying to be playful as worry flashes in her eyes. She hurried over to the dragon slayers body. "She viewed us as allies all along," Juvia smiles, taking my hand and placing it on her heart, wrapping her slender fingers around it. "I love you." She whispers as her tears drop onto her pale hands. I caress her cheek before going under her chin, making her look up gently. I wipe her tears as mine flow, smiling. "Love you too, now let's go." I murmur, kissing her forehead. "We can have a romantic kiss later... besides - Luke and Nashi are gonna run out soon if we don't go." She tugs on my arm as she talks, walking swiftly towards our children.

Crashing toward us we're smothered by long hugs. I caress them sweetly as Juvia holds them tighter. "How was the fight!" Luke asked with a goofy grin, Nashi scowled at him as she hugged her mothers tighter. "You worries us a lot... better teach us more magic now so we can defend ourselves! Juvia had to stay out of the fight cuz of us!" She pouted, smiling a bit as Silvia hugged onto her. Linna stepped forward with an expression that she never wore, it didn't suit the young girl at all. It was full of smiles and tears. Children couldn't weep so young, unless it was a tantrum or an accident. But then again, Linna didn't do accidents. Her actions were always purposeful, determined and strong. Stronger than most kids. "Never do that again," the white haired girl whispered, giving us a strong hug. Luke let out a strange noise, a mix between and awe and scream.

His pinkette sister gave him a swift punch for ruining the mood, hugging tighter along with Linna towards their parents. I felt the air knocked out of me when two sudden bodies latched themselves onto us with equal force. Silvia had dragged Luke into the family embrace as two others, adults, walked in on us. Juvia's eyes were shut tight, calmly and gently. Her heartbeat was smooth and slow, the smile on her face as radiant as her. I was looking at our kids, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and back, making her lean into me while she was around me and some of the kids. Nashi and Silvia in the middle were practically sat on us as the others began to jump on. The familiar motherly sigh of Irene made the warming hug she gave, leaning her cheek next to mine with a small, satisfied smirk, made everything even better. I felt the surprisingly warm body of Brandish - who dressed more appropriately in a skirt and brassiere, rather than a swimsuit.

What came next wasn't that unexpected, Vermillion clasped her hands onto Irene and Brandish, forming a circle around the kids. More arms began to latch on, Storm and Luna. Justin, Ali and Skylar. Rose and Nova grappled in a little too tight. Then came the parents, our parents. It became a guild group hug, so loving and warm I didn't mind the suffocation - it actually felt sweet and kind in a strange way. I learned further in, giving my love to the ones around me. I could never let them go.

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