Chapter 18

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Juvia's POV

We were surrounded by the magic users, Fairy Tail don't know the meaning of stealth. I rushed up the stairs as Lucy ordered every entrance to be blocked. The children were hearses to the bar, hiding behind it with a magic barrier surrounding it. They had every necessity behind it and after speaking with my mother about the protection spell over the guild hall, I'd give them some sleeping bags. Hopefully I get to stay with them. Citizens screaming, soldiers rolling in, it was chaos outside. Every member was inside and ready to fight, gearing up and finishing their meals at lightning speed. Star had her light hammer ready, while making sure Flame was pissing himself in fear. Wave and Silver were together as well, protecting the back entrance.

I whirled around the corner and into the meeting room. Mother was pacing frantically back and forth while Layla sat contemplating at the table where she sat usually. Vermilion, Irene, Minerva, Yukino and Brandish were sitting down as well. Lucy rushed up behind me and grabbed my hand as I sat at the other head of the table. She gave me a small smile and let go. Mother stopped and turned. "We're running out in the few moments we're talking, I'll cast the barrier. Layla will guard the roof, Yukino and Irene at the back and Vermillion, Lucy and Minerva will lead the fight at the front. Wave and Star will lead the patrols on the sides!"  Diana ordered and in an instant we moved. Battle ready we were in position. I sat behind the bar, protection spell over it as I started making it more comfortable. Bringing out the sleeping bags we kept using teleportation, I set them up and quickly got the youngest to sleep. The boys (minus Luke) and Skylar would be better off sleeping through this. Luna was always more of a coward and snuggled in next to Storm. I sighed and turned my attention to the eldest kids. Rose and Nova sat with my kids and I used a spell to make them more calm, less rowdy. They talked softly and ate a bit. Silvia sat next to me as I laid myself against the bar and prepared to soundproof the spell.

"Mommy, can we stay with you and Lucy?" My little bluenette asked sleepy, her eyes fluttered with knowledge as I slowly shook my head. Feeling tears fall from my face I hugged my child tight. "Don't you worry, when this is over we'll all go to the beach and then you can get a bigger and nicer room too." I whisper, hiding a chocking sob. "With Lucy, Nashi and Luke?" Her voice cracked, making her squeak. I nodded my head as Linna approached. Smiling as she wrapped her arms around us both. "All of us..."

Thats when the first attack shook the guildhall, dust filling the building.

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