Chapter 12

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Juvia's POV

"Your stupid, a stupid stupid idiot!" I groaned as I stared into the mirror in front of me. I had yelled at Lucy, but she deserved it... but then why do I feel terrible? I contemplated making up or continuing with her punishment of watching us eat. She'd kept her pregnancy appetite and I wonder if she got this because of her powers or if Nashi cursed her. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and studied my appearance. Wavy, waist length deep blue hair - eyes the colour of the sea that practically glowed against my porcelain skin. My slender body, came from years of abusive from the guilds I was in, but at least I've aged somewhat appropriately. I was wearing a azure summer dress, with silver embroideries and a desaturated red belt with matching shoes. They were actually heeled flats, mostly because I like them and also I will never go back after pregnancy. Long white socks covered my legs up to my knees and a friendship bracelet lay on my arm, the pastel pink hues adorning it. In black letters it wrote the one name that made me smile. Lucy.

I felt a smile linger on my lips as I read it over and over and over. I suddenly hear footsteps and quickly step outside mine and Lucy's room. Silvia and Linna were quietly walking up the stairs, stopping as they noticed me. "Mommy!" Silvia cried and practically jumped on me. Linna walked quickly after and hugged my leg tightly, I could feel much circulation... well dying. I let out a soft chuckle before gently removing them and kissing them both on the forehead. "Mommy! Me and Linna have this awesome spell we wanted to try together, but we need your help!" My little bluenette chirped and poked Linna gently.

My white haired daughter nodded before stepping forward and opening a book. It was scrawled deeply and was an advanced spell to cast. I knew they could handle it but it seemed a little... dangerous. "Why do you need a automatic food Spell?" I ask them giggling as I take the book from her hands. Silvia's hair started floating and flowing like water - as it usually did when she was having a magical overflow. It was random spurts that momentarily blocked her senses, but my mother said as long as she stays mostly still it won't kill her and not doing anything dangerous or well... taxing would keep her from having some. I turn my gaze to her and opened my mouth to speak. "Did you run here from the guild?" I ask Linna softly, placing a hand on her ice cold shoulder.

I heard a soft hiccup, icy tears drifted down her face. "I tried to stop her, I really did... but she was really excited. She wanted to use it to make the food since you've been really busy." Her usual calm and collected voice was gone and I turned, wiping away her tears and hugging her. "I'm not mad." Was all I could say before the first overflow stopped and I shared a hug with the two of my beautiful girls. "I appreciate it. But never do that again!" I put on my best 'I'm mad be shamed because I'm your mother' face but couldn't hide the relief and joy on my voice.

My children nodded and I led them downstairs, walking slowly. "Let's make stuff together in the kitchen, you'll learn that spell when you go to school. I won't be making you fours meals then." Together we made sandwiches and Linna froze Ice cream. Smoothies and sweets, Burgers and Fries! Nashi might have a heart attack. I giggle at the thought and my girls go off to get the picnic blanket. Packing everything in the bottomless and weightless basket, we left them waiting the the kitchen while I rushed upstairs to get my girls ready.

Linna in a navy blue dress with a white belt and black shoes. She decided to bring a silver hoodie as well. Silvia basically was the same but in a white dress, navy blue belt and white shoes - minus the hoodie. I sat with them in the living room while teaching them simple magic spells and cool tricks, while waiting for the rest of the house.

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