FT Chapter 4

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Ezra POV

I felt my body writhe in agony after the attack, my skin was melted and bones most likely shattered, but I wouldn't stop. Most of me was protected by the shrivelled remains of my armour. "Requip..." I groan and try to sit up. A shock of pain shoots up my arm, causing me unimaginable pain. I bite hard into my lower lip and hiss to stop my crying or shrieking as ripples ran through me. I look around as the dust clears, S-class, the dragon slayers and most of our powerful mages are still up. Few aren't breathing but our healers are helping. Most of us can barely stand... I'd hate to do this, but our guild is a strong as ever! Another torrent of magic lays onto us without care and my muscles tear in half, pain making my head spin as I again fall limp on the floor.

"WENDY! NOW!" I cry as another wave happens, I hear her squeak - looking at me with a concerned expression... no. It was fear. "Really?" She whispered quietly. Rage, frustration makes my blood boil. I narrow my eyes as they alight in a scarlet flame. "YES! HEAL US AND ATTACK!" I screech and she flinches at me. "YOU WILL NOT BETRAY OUR GUILD, DONT BE A WEAKLING!" I yell, as she nods with tears in her eyes. "Heal..." She grumbles and as the next attack hits, our injuries almost disappear. A few scrathes... but she's covering a wide area so it can't be helped. Still! The pathetic brat thinks she can do this! I grind my teeth as I stand with a cracking. Footsteps near as Lucy comes back into view.

"You betrayed your guild! We cared for you and you leave us... I knew Natsu and Gray were right when they said you were evil, sadists... siding with villains, what weaklings." I insulted them bitterly, as a cold laugh echoed from Lucy's throat. "Fairy Tail has been nothing but hypocritical bastards... it's time this wretched guild burns in hell under Zeref and us... we'll curse your name and every attempt to rebuild will be turned to ashes." Her eyes glow with menace as it reveals even more mages coming out of portals... and mermaids, demons, spirits! "What the..." I stop and my blood runs cold with fear, my spine shivering as giant glowing , golden portals fill the sky...

Dragons swooped our of them in armies. There were fifty before a few seconds had passed. And they kept on coming...

"WENDY!" I screeched as I signal to attack. "GIVE IT ALL YOU HAVE!!" I order with a ferocity I now used daily. A huge level of power washed over as the magic was shot at them. "Alvarez Heart! ATTACK!" The blonde idiot yelled as the two forced met. Dragon roars and actual oceans washed upon the pure output of magical power. "HARDER!" I scream as they began to overpower us - suddenly we had the upper hand. I pushed using every weapon, every skill and power I possessed and launched it times 100 at them without fear. I sick, twisted smile contorted my face.

I saw a flicker of Lucy grinning. She let it hit them without using full counter, but when the attack vanished, the battle ground clear once more - they glowed with bright light. "Thanks for the meal!" Lucy cheered and Vermillion bowed with a smug smirk. "Y-you absorbed... our attacks!" I whined, I fought down my shame as it was replaced with anger. "Wendy do it!" I yell as my legs buckle, causing me to lean on my sword. She gulped and moved herself to the front by me, she moved her arms and hands rhythmically, practiced hundreds... if not thousands of times.

"Fairy Law!"

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