Chapter 6

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Juvia's POV

(I'm trying out having their real names in text but saying their fake names in speech - tell me what you think about it)

My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone softly shaking me, their voice sounded like music to my ears. Lucy was above me with a blank expression - though I swore her cheeks were dusted with roses. She quickly stood up and followed after Brandish, Irene and Erza K. out of the compartment. I felt my stomach twist as the train came to a startling stop. I stood up and followed them - stretching as I got off the train, my surprise nap giving me full energy. "I wonder how the others are doing?" Lucy asked as I responded with a smile. "I'm sure they're fine - as long as Linna's there your tornados won't destroy the guild." I teased the blonde as her eyes widened and her face became a dusty rose. I giggled as we started to walk towards the camp. "You sure you're okay??" Lucy asked me as I stared at her confused. "Why wouldn't I be." Her eyes glowed with an unknown aura before she grabbed the map roughly and briskly started walking ahead. I tried to run after her but my legs felt like jelly all of a sudden. I gulped and walk behind the group, holding my chest with my hand - why did it hurt to see her like that...

I quickly brushed it off as the Sabertooth Guild came into our view. The ruckus inside reminded me of Fairy Tail before the whole event... Ignorance doesn't breed success I heard a small whisper behind me but quickly walked up and grabbed Brandish's hand before she walked inside - pulling her away from Irene and Erza K. She stared at me with a kind face - although to a stranger her lack of smile may seem cold, almost angry. "Hey, can we go to a cafe first? Me and Julia are a little train-lagged from the ride here and want to rest a bit before we see them." Brandish lord, though Irene and Erza K. were kinda slow and stretching a lot after the long ride. Lucy simply muttered an okay as we walked back to a local cafe we saw on the way.

I sat down on a table by myself with Bandish, while Lucy sat with Erza K. and Irene. Since we were staying for a bit we didn't want to inconvenience the staff by having them move the tables - but Brandish only said that so we can talk in private. The seats were comfy and everything made the atmosphere of the place feel welcoming and warm. I was tempted to fall asleep so I drank some ice cold water before we ordered. "So, I assume this is about Lucy." I almost scolded Brandish for the use of our real names but her loud tone told me the work outside heard nothing of our conversation. I meekly nodded to her and then slammed my head on the table with a groan. "She's being weird and I don't know why!!" She looked at me and drummed the table with her fingers. "She's all... happy and nice one moment and then the next she's closed off and grumpy." I pouted and Brandish merely nodded. "People are complicated Juvi-Juvi, you don't need to try and make yourself understand them, you just have to let them know you're there for them." The green haired woman placed her hand on mine with a small smile - the most amount of emotion that anyone who has met Brandish knows. I felt my cheeks burn and tears swelling in my eyes - the water, however, was scalding due to my emotional state. "How does mom put up with any of this." I held my head in my eyes as Brandish moved her chair over closer to me and hugged me - through the outside world of the bubble was as busy and happy as ever. "She doesn't really - the minute you left, she cut herself off from her emotions until she could see your face again. Layla quickly changed her vow but I have never seen Dianna so happy and expressive before you came back into her life. My tears had ended but I was content staying like this. "Why did she give me up?" I muttered as I buried my worries down until my stomach filled with butterflies. "Her wish to stay with you couldn't be fulfilled... she says life in many ways rips us from each other and all believed she did not need to be replaced and... well only she knows what they would've done to you if you stayed. So under an agreement, she sent you away with me..." Brandish didn't move from her spot and rubbed my head gently. 

"I raised you instead of her and that is the one thing I feel I must atone for... But I can't seem too," She cut herself off and hugged me before whipping my tears. "Smile, okay - after this job, you and Lucy can have a fun time together and we can take care of your kids." I smiled and muttered a brief thank you - words seeming to escape my mouth as my face returned to its bubbly self. I saw our order coming and placed on our table. We began eating and I caught glances with Lucy the entire time.

I'm sorryyyy okayyy!!

Life has not been fair.........

Anyway, more short chapters await and I'll be making another side quest kinda thing for Fairy Tail on their quest to find their Guild

Anyway BAI!!

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