Chapter 48

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I wake up bright and early in the morning, today is the day I need to talk to Marshall behind Damon's back. I roll over to my side of the bed to see that Damon is still fast asleep. Perfect.

I slowly get up from my bed and put my clothes on, I hear him groan in his sleep while I put my shoes on which made me panic because I thought for a second he was gonna wake up, I look over to him again and see he is still asleep.

I quietly close the bedroom door and run to the bathroom to do my hair. I comb my hair, washed my face and brush my teeth, I need to look good when I see Marshall.

I run to the living room to grab my purse and leave the house.

I'm so nervous about seeing Marshall after two months of no communications, not seeing each other, no nothing that's what happens when you want to move on.

To see him again is gonna be so strange like what is the first thing I say to him? what is he gonna think of me when he sees me? I wonder if he has a little hate for me? I feel bad that I didn't congratulate him on his release of Kamikaze but I will when I see him today, I guess that might be the first thing I'll tell him when I see him.

I get out of my car and walk to his door. I stand in front of his door nervous to see him again after two months, I inhale and exhale then knock his door.

After a few knocks he opens the door and gives me a blank look with his arms crossed leaning against the door frame "Ummm hi" I look at Marshall nervously "What are you doing here?" He asks me annoyed "I just wanted to check up on you" I mentally cringe at what I said

"Well I'm doing fine" He sighs "You can go now" Marshall tries to close the door on me but I stop him "Marshall we need to talk" I hold the door open "There is nothing to talk about" He shakes his head "We have a lot to talk about actually" I glare at him "Now let me in" I strictly demand "Fine" Marshall glares at me as he lets me in, he closes the door behind me

"First off I want to say I'm sorry for--" He interrupts me "For fucking up my life" He glares at me "If I fucked up your life so badly I'm sorry" Marshall scoffs at what I said "What else you wanna tell me?" Marshall asks me "I'm sorry for moving on so fast I should have told you about Damon" I look down "You had so much time to tell me you moved on" He tries to keep himself from yelling at me but fails to "I couldn't tell you because I didn't know how to tell you" I tell Marshall "It's so simple to tell someone that you have moved on" Marshall glares at me "I know and I'm sorry" I sigh

"You are sorry? apparently you weren't sorry when you moved on" Marshall scoffs "I didn't know it was gonna happen and you weren't sorry when you had sex with Skylar" I glare at him "Do you have any idea how guilty I felt for doing that to you?" He asks yelling "Pretty sure none since you were pretty damn happy about it" I yell "I was happy when you found out" Marshall yells "That makes things better, doesn't it?" I sarcastically question him

"Brianna you are not listening to me" He yells, I know what he meant, he felt guilty after he found out I didn't sleep with anyone and felt even more guilty when I rejected his kiss over what he did "No it's you who is not listening to me I came down here to say that I'm sorry for everything I have done to you" My voice cracks "Brianna" Marshall sighs "No let me finish" I yell

"I'm sorry for moving on so fast, I'm sorry I never told you about him sooner, I'm sorry for everything I did to you, you didn't deserve any of that" I look down

"Brianna damn it" I interrupt him again "and one more thing I'm sorry you didn't believe me when I told you I love you twice because I really do love you but it's too late because you think it's a lie and I'm the one to blame for everything" I guess this officially goodbye "Goodbye Marshall" He looks down as I walk away from him.

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