Chapter 27

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What on earth just happened? Damon kissed me but I'm still in love with Marshall, the kiss wasn't the worst thing I liked the kiss very much but the worst thing about it is I ended up catching feelings. Feelings I haven't felt since Marshall; when Marshall would kiss me it felt as if mini butterflies exploded in my belly and that's the same thing I felt when Damon kissed me. Could I possibly have feelings for him? How could I possibly have feelings for him when he has showed me nothing but hate the last couple of days and now he tells me he is impressed by me because I nearly risked my life, what the hell kinda girls has he been dating? 

I truly feel bad for those girls he dated since he says very hurtful things to them according to what he told me. I believe they are true since he said some very horrible things about me and to me but I didn't really care so much, I didn't get offended by them I was just minding my own business and thinking about my baby girl in Detroit with the guy I claim to still be in love with.

What have I done? This could ruin my chances of ever getting back together with Marshall only if he's still in love with me which I highly doubt given our situation but he did call me baby on the phone and before I left for New York he did plant very seductive kisses on my neck so there could still be a chance for us. 

I haven't dated anyone since Marshall and Marshall has probably dated a lot of girls in the last four years, so what is stopping me from having some feelings for Damon and possibly start a relationship with him? The answer is nothing is stopping me it's only in my head, my head is making me think that Marshall still has feelings for me which me and you both know it's not true, he has moved on and I have got to too.

The night past very slowly after my kiss with Damon. I am currently home in the guest bedroom scrolling through my phone on Instagram chatting with some of my friends at 3 in the morning as I can't sleep since that very hot kiss is still replaying in my head, I still feel it on my lips. I toss my phone on the bed and stand up, I carefully make my way to the mirror to check myself, as I'm looking at myself inspecting every inch of my face my eyes fall onto a faded red mark on my neck, the same spot that Damon bit on to "Shit, I hope no one sees it" I don't think anyone will see it if I use my hair to cover it up. 

I make my way back to my bed and lay down, I place my phone on the nightstand and fall fast asleep. I wake up from my long peaceful sleep and I rub my half open eyes, I rise from the bed and pick up my phone, I rub the dust away from my phone screen with my sleeve and turn it on, I check the time and it's 2 in the afternoon, Marshall has called me 7 times and has left me three messages telling me good morning, Bella is missing me and asking how's it going in New York. I toss my phone on the bed and make my way to the bathroom. 

I turn on the cold water faucet and splash water on my face a few times, I pick up a towel hanging on the wall and wipe away all the excessive water dripping down my face, I comb my hair and walk back to the bedroom. I sit down on the bed and pick up my phone, I put in my passcode to unlock my phone and start to text Marshall "Hey" A few seconds later I get a text from Marshall "Hi, how's it going?" He asks me "Good, how are you doing?" I ask him "Great, can I Facetime you I have someone who wants to talk to you?" He asks me "Sure" Before Marshall calls me I rearrange my hair so he doesn't see the hickey. A few minutes later he finally Facetime me, I answer

"Hey" Marshall waves at me it appears he is sitting in his home studio "Hi" I smile at him as he keeps a straight face "You never told me why you hit your sister?" He chuckles "She said that you was a drug addict and she said that Bella is gonna overdose just like you" Marshall appears to be furious "I swear to fucking god if she says something like that I'm gonna---" I cut Marshall off as he was yelling "Hey shhhh it's okay" Marshall lets out a big puff of air "Did she say anything else?" He asks me "No" Marshall sighs in annoyance "Do you wanna say hi to Bella" 

My eyes light up like a thousand fireworks bursting in the night sky the moment he mentioned Bella, my sweet baby girl "Yes please" I nod frantically"Okay" He laughs, I see him pick up Bella and sit her on his lap. As soon as she sees me her eyes lit up "Hi mommy" She yells in excitement, Marshall shh her "Sorry" Her bottom lip quiver "It's okay sweetie" She smiles "How are you doing baby?" I ask her "Mommy, when are you coming home?" She asks me "Soon baby" I wink at her "I miss you mommy" She frowns "I miss you too baby, are you having fun with Marshie?" I ask her and Bella giggles

"Yes mommy" She giggles "What have you guys been doing?" I asks them both "He took me out for ice cream, he took me to the playground" She tells me"We have a lot of fun, do we?" Marshall starts tickling her belly making her laugh out loud, I start to laugh at them "Yes" She yells, Marshall stops tickling and frowns at her, she looks confused "Bel what did I say about yelling? you don't yell indoors, bad girl" He tries so hard to keep himself from laughing "Heyyyy" She punch his arm with her tiny clenched fist, Marshall pretends to be hurt "Owww oooo she got me real good... ahhh" He pretends to be in pain and starts rubbing the area she punched him in.

I'm laughing my eyes out at this. Bella frowns "I'm sorry"  I giggle "Forgive and forget" Bella laughs and Marshall starts to laugh, I look at them with hearts in my eyes, this is what I have always wanted. I feel my eyes watering up, Marshall gives me a worried look "Hey, you okay?" I nod as I cannot speak since I feel a lump growing in my throat

"Mommy, are you okay?" Bella asks me "Yes baby, mommy is okay" I smile at her as I wipe away my tears "Mommy, this blonde woman keeps coming over" I stare at him in confusion, what blonde woman is he bringing home? "Skylar, she comes over sometimes" He says bothered, I nod. 

I hear someone opening the bedroom door, I turn my head around to see  my mom peeking her head through the little gap between the door "Sweetie lunch is almost ready" My mom informs me "Okay mom" My mom leaves, I turn my head around and Bella is no longer with Marshall.

Marshall is glaring at me, he saw the hickey "What's THAT on your neck?" He is referring to the hickey, I grab my hair and make an attempt to cover it "It's nothing" I shake my head "Doesn't look like a "nothing" to me" He air quotes "nothing" there's a long awkward silence between us "Piece of advice; next time you wanna hide that shit from me, use makeup, you fucking bitch" He glares at me "Marsh---" He hangs up on me. Shit, he is pissed but I don't give a fuck.

Baby Blue Eyes 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora