Chapter 15

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Brianna's POV:

2 weeks of being stuck in the hospital the place I hate the most, I'm finally allowed to go home. I miss Max, Kyle and Bella so much, I miss the girls as well but I hate Marshall so much. I heard everything he said when I was unconscious. 

He is such a fake I honestly hate him he is the reason why I ended up in hospital with everything broken in my body and nearly dying then he acts like he is sorry. I really wish I would have woken up to tell him to shove that fake apology up his ass or I would have done it for him. I was rushed to surgery immediately after my car accident. Apparently my ribs were fractured pretty badly, they fixed my leg and my arm since they were also fractured. 

I nearly died from too much blood loss. Max, Kyle, Bella, the girls have come by everyday to visit me and bring me gifts and "get better soon " cards and balloons but you'll never guess who came to visit me.....Kim.

She came to visit me a couple of days after my car accident. We are on good terms and have a good relationship but we are not that close since I have a child with him despite that she is very sweet to Bella which I really appreciate . Today I'll finally be released from the hospital, I'm very excited about going back home to lay down on my comfy bed and actually eat good tasting food since hospital food don't taste that good. Kim is coming by to pick me up which is very strange since I expected Max to pick me up with Bella and Kyle. 

Max actually sent me casual clothes to wear when I leave the hospital. I'm wearing a pair of black leggings, my Nike air shoes since I can't wear heels as of now til I get better, my white tank top and my winter bomber black jacket. I hear a knock on the door "Come in" The nurse smiles at me as she comes in pushing the wheelchair towards me... NO I'm not paralyzed... damn "Are you ready?" She asks me "Yes" I give the nurse a smile then sit on the wheelchair. 

The nurse pushes me down the corridor of the hospital. I see Kim talking to the receptionist "Kim" I yell to get her attention, she turns to face me and has a big smile on her face, Kim walks over to me and bends down to hugs me "Hey, how are you doing?" Kim asks me "I'm doing great" Kim looks up at the nurse "I'm gonna push her to the car, is that okay?" Kim asks the nurse

"Yes but be careful when you are helping her get in the car" The nurse nods "I will" The nurse pulls a pill bottle out of the pocket of her scrubs "Miss Lyon take these pills if you feel any pain or feel any discomfort in your body, okay?" I nod, the nurse gives me the bottle of pills "Do you want me to put them in my purse?" Kim asks me "Yes please" I pass Kim the bottle of pills and she carefully puts them in her purse. 

She begins to push me down to the parking lot and then we finally reach her black Range Rover. She helps me get into the passenger seat then she gets into the driver seat. I put my seatbelt on "Are you comfortable?" She asks me "Yes, thank you for asking" Kim starts the car and drives out the hospital parking lot. There's a moment of silence while she drives "What happened? How did you end up in the hospital?" She breaks the silence. I'm confused I thought the girls told her "You don't know what happened?" She looks at me shortly with a confused look then looks back at the road "I thought the girls told you what happened" I furrow my brows 

"No, so what happened?" Kim asks "I went to Alaina's house to have dinner with her and the girls but little did I know Marshall was already at her house, we didn't talk we just gave each other death glares from time to time" I pause for a second to remember what happened that night "I went out for smoke and Marshall came out to talk to me but I wasn't really up for that so I became really sarcastic and blew smoke at his face to piss him off so he can get away" Kim chuckles

"I must have hit a nerve when I brought Bella up in our conversation because the look on his face he looked like he could kill me" I nervously chuckle "Anyway one thing led to another he threw my cigarette on the floor and choked me and said "I'm getting my daughter back and nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me" then I got into a car accident" Kim gasps "I'm so sorry" Kim frowns "Don't worry about it, I'm fine" I smile at her "We got a surprise for you at home" She smiles at me "I hate surprises" Kim laughs "What are you laughing at?" I nervously chuckle "You haven't changed at all" Kim laughs shaking her head "What do you mean?" I frown

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