Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 is a continuation to chapter 34 

I'm staring at him in terror. How the fuck do I explain to him my job at the diner, my evil boss, my evictions, no money and how the fuck do I explain to him that his daughters Hailie, Alaina and Whitney have been visiting me in Texas for the last six years. This is gonna be too painful for me to tell him about what I went through and it'll be even more painful if Marshall starts to yell at me or if he hugs me and tell me everything is gonna be okay now that I'm here in Detroit. 

I know for a fact Marshall will actually yell at me "Bri" He stares intently at me, I inhale and exhale a few times "We umm...." I gulped "....should probably sit down" I continue "Alright" Me and Marshall sit down on my bed "Take your time" I inhale and exhale a few times before I start to explain what happened "Here goes nothing" I explain to him everything that has happened to me in Texas for the last six years. 

I didn't leave out any details I told him everything even the part when Hailie, Alaina and Whitney came to visit me. He is quite clearly pissed off but he doesn't say anything. We have been in silence for the last five minutes.

"Marshall" I try to touch him but he roughly shoves me away "Don't fucking touch me" He raises his voice at me and glares at me "I'm sorry" I look down "You don't fucking mean it" He raises his voice at me "Marshall, of course I mean it" He runs his hands down his face, then he gets up and walks to the door "Marshall, where are you going?" I ask him "To get as far away from you as possible" I get up quickly and place my hand on the door stopping him from opening it 

"Can we at least talk about this?" I ask him "Talk about how you ran off to Texas? Talk about how my daughters were involved in your pregnancy? Talk about how you made yourself and my daughter suffer" Marshall yells at me "I ran off to Texas because you said you didn't want a child" I yell at him "The only reason I said I didn't want to have a child is because we were both gonna be busy all the time" He yells "I would have been a stay at home mom" I quiet down "I wasn't gonna let that happen because you had just started your life" He yells "What happened when I left?" Marshall removes his hand from the doorknob 

"I went to the studio to tell Paul about your pregnancy and he said that as soon as the baby arrives I should spend more time at home raising my baby then coming down to the studio working all the time. I came home to tell you the good news but then I found your note on the coffee table, I tore it open and saw that it was a goodbye note. That night I was driving all around Detroit looking for you, checking every hotel, every motel, every bus station, every train station, every corner of Detroit I obviously didn't find you so I went home and I started to trash the whole place, I swore I would hate you but when I saw a picture of you on my phone I started to cry. I blamed myself everyday for the last six years" Tears roll down my face. 

I didn't notice that I had start to cry "I'm so sorry, Marshall, I'm so sorry" I look down as more tears rolls down my cheeks "Stop" I look up at him "What?" My voice cracks "It's not your fault, it's my fault I shouldn't have said I didn't want a child because in all honesty I would have love to have had a baby with you and to raise it together" He grabs me and hugs me, I rest my head on his chest and cry

"I'm sorry" He lightly rubs my back "I'm sorry too" We pull away from the hug and he wipes my tears away "I need to take Bella to the studio with me" I hear a knock on the door in the living room "Are you expecting anyone?" Marshall asked me seems like he forgot I was expecting the girls to come by "Yeah, the girls" We both leave the bedroom. 

I approach the door and open it "Hi" Hailie and Alaina both scream. I pull them into a hug. We both walk inside "Hey dad" Hailie smiles "Hey baby" Hailie gives Marshall a hug "Hey uncle" Alaina smiles at him "Hey baby" Alaina gives Marshall a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

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