Chapter 13

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What the fuck just happened? Did he really just choke me? I'm in disbelief. I knew Marshall is angry and he hates me but I didn't know he has this much hate for me and has this much anger for me if he was willing to choke me. I guess he never loved me like I thought he did. 

I grab my mirror compact from my purse and check my throat for any signs, there's marks around my throat, now I know there's no way in hell he is going anywhere near my daughter, he crossed the fucking line by choking me. I can't stop myself from crying because this is not the man I fell in love with, he would never do that to me. 

I walk back inside the house with tears rolling down my cheeks and I can immediately see the girls reaction change from smiling to shocked as soon as they see me "What happened?" Alaina ask concerned as to why I'm crying "Your dad's a monster" I yell wiping away my tears, all I know now is anger "What the hell?" Hailie raises her voice "Bri, what are you talking about?" Whitney asks me "Look" I lift my head up so they can see the finger marks Marshall left on my throat from when he choked me "Fuck sake" Hailie shakes her head "I'm so sorry Bri" Alaina frowns "I need to go" I race out the house to my car and hear Hailie, Alaina and Whitney yell out for me as they are running after me. I start the car and drive off. 

As I drive around Detroit for a long time I punch the steering wheel a couple of times, my eyes starts to get blurry from my tears then suddenly I hear a big loud bang and I black out. 

I wake up and see blurry bright light, I blink a few times to see clearly but it doesn't work. I close my eyes again. I hear people talk all around me, I can't move, I can't speak, I can only hear and I can only feel pain all around my body, I feel people touching my face and my body "She is losing a lot of blood, we need to put her into surgery NOW" I hear a female nurse yell, now I hear a male yell "Where the hell is she?" I recognize his voice; it's Max who is yelling for me "She is going to be put into surgery now sir" The female nurse tells Max 

"Oh my god" He panics "Mommy" I hear my little baby cry "What's your name sir?" She asks "Max Lyon" He lied about his last name, his last name is Hall. Max Hall but he is married so his last name now is Max Bryant "Are you family?" She asks "Yes I'm her brother" He lies. Why can't I remember anything? Why am I being put into surgery? What happened to me?

"Who is this little girl?" She asks "Her daughter, Bella Lyon" Max tells the nurse "Okay" I hear the door shut and I hear people shuffling their feet. I feel someone or maybe more lift me up and place me down on another bed, this particular bed feels hard "She is going to die" Shit... am I really gonna die? I can't die, Bella needs me "She has a fractured ribs, her legs and arms are fractured" The same doctor speaks "Don't worry you'll be just fine" A different doctor reassures me that I'll be fine.

 A couple of hours after the surgery, I'm being put into the recovery room. I'm still out, I can't wake up. I feel Max grab my hand "I told the girls not to come since you were in surgery, they should be coming in an hour or less" Max tells me "Mommy" Bella is crying "You're okay now, the doctors fixed you up well, you should be awake in a few hours" I can't wait to wake up to tell my baby I'm okay.

I'm sorry for the short chapter :(

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