Chapter 39

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Today is Sunday, today is the day when Damon arrives in Detroit. I'm looking forward to seeing him since it's been nearly two months I last saw him. I miss him so much I'll admit that but I didn't tell Marshall about my relationship with Damon because when I tried to blurt it out he kissed me and said I was his. 

A few question bugs my head; How am I gonna tell Damon about my relationship with Eminem? How am I gonna explain Bella to Damon? How am I gonna tell Damon about my kiss with Marshall? and how is Marshall gonna react when he sees Damon? These questions keep me awake at night sometimes I have a few nights of no sleep and I wake up in the morning looking like a zombie.

I need to distant myself away from Marshall just for a few days so he knows I'm serious about the text message I sent him saying the kiss was a mistake and we need to move on. I need to admit that it did hurt me sending out that text to him but it's the right thing to do I need to save my relationship with Damon. 

I don't regret kissing Marshall it felt so right to hold him, to kiss him, to feel him against me, loving him so much is making me want to rewind time so I would never meet Damon and be with Marshall, now I got myself in a situation I have no idea how to get out of. 

I actually do know I need to break one of their hearts.

I'm at the airport waiting for Damon to show up. I'm so nervous to see him again, I wonder what's he gonna think of me when he sees me. Bella is at Hailie's house and Marshall is at the studio working on Kamikaze which is set to drop on August 31st, this is gonna be so exciting because no one is gonna expect him to release a new album so soon but I have so much faith that it will do great because it's Marshall, he does everything so perfect. 

After a few minutes of waiting I finally see Damon running up to me, I run up to him "Oh my god, hi" He picks me up and spins me around, he places me back on the floor gently and kisses me with passion "I missed you" He mumbles against my lips "I missed you too" He continues to kiss me with so much passion, I let go of the kiss "Let's go to my house" I smile "Let's go" I take his suitcase but he stops me "Uhhh... what are you doing?" He asks me "I'm taking your suitcase" I nervously chuckle

"Don't do that" He smiles at me "Well then can I take your hand?" I giggle "That you can do" He giggles, I take his hand and walk out of the airport "Where is your car?" He asks me "Its right down there" I point at my car as I walk to it "Wow you drive a Mercedes Benz" He looks at my car amazed "Yes" I laugh. 

We make it to my car and I help Damon to put his suitcase in the back of my trunk. Damon sits at the front with me and I put the keys in the ignition and twist, the engine starts "Are you comfortable?" I ask "Yes, thanks for asking" I drive out of the parking lot of the airport and take the highway 

"What's been going on with you and the others while I have been gone?" I ask him "Well for starters Brendan is in Rehab he has had enough of smoking and drinking all the time so he wanted to get clean" Damon smiles at me "That's so good for him" I say proudly "Flash and Kelsey are in a relationship, they are so happy together and so strong" Damon tells me "I have always known those two had a thing for each other" I giggle "Nobody saw it coming" He laughs

"I did" I chuckle "That's because you are the smart one" He say in a flirty way "Aww" I blush "I'm so tired" Damon yawns "You can take a nap when we get home" I smile at him "I can think of something else we can do together when we get to your house" He winks at me and I blush "I love it when you blush" He says sweetly "Don't worry you'll be seeing a lot of that" I laugh "I hope" He laughs. 

After an hour and a half of driving we finally made it back home "Wow your house is big" Damon smiles at my house "Thank you" We both step out of my car and I take his suitcase out of the trunk of my car. 

We walk to my door "Are you ready to head inside?" I kiss him sweetly "I'm ready" He mumbles against my lips. I open the door while kissing him "Mommy" I pull away from the kiss and I look at Bella running up to me. Explanation time is gonna be hard.  

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