Chapter 12

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Tonight I'll be having dinner with the girls at Alaina's house. I'm wearing my black turtle neck top, skinny high waist blue jeans that makes my ass look amazing, knowing Alaina I'm pretty sure she'll smack it, I'm wearing my favorite black thick heel ankle boots and my black leather jacket. For jewelry I'm just wearing my sliver hula hoop earnings and for my hair I straightened my long dark brown hair. 

I'm wearing very little make up just black eyeliner, light pink lip gloss and I applied mascara to my eyelashes, that's basically it for my look. I walk to the mirror wardrobe to check myself before I exit to the living room and show everyone how I look then head to Alaina's house. I'm satisfied with my look so I walk out the bedroom and in the living room. As soon as I step foot in the living room Bella is surprised to see me look like this since she has never seen me wear anything like this before. 

Max looks impressed seeing me look stylish for once and Kyle looks really happy "How do I look?" I spin around "Girl, you look hot" Max smirks at me "You look amazing, Brianna" Kyle smiles at me "Mommy, you look so pretty" Bella races up to me, I pick her up in my arms and give her a big smile "Thank you guys so much guys and you too Bella" I give her a kiss on her cheek then wipe my lip gloss off her cheek "Baby, mommy is gonna have to go okay" She hugs me tightly "Okay" She nods "Be good" I kiss her cheek "I'm always good mommy" She giggles "I know you are baby" I give her one finally kiss before I put her back down on her feet. I grab my Michael Kors purse and head to the door "Baby?" I ask  "Yes mommy?" She asks "Mommy loves you"

I blow her a kiss and she pretends to catch it. She melts my heart every time because she is so adorable. I leave Max and Kyles apartment and hop into my car. After a long drive I finally made it to Alainas house, it looks so much better than her previous house she used to live in. I step out of my car and make my way to the door, I knock on it.

I hear footsteps approach the door, before the door opens I check myself in my little compact mirror I carry around in my purse I quickly put away my compact mirror away as soon as I hear the door open. To my surprise it's Marshall who opens the door. Marshall did not expect to see me by the look on his face "What are you doing here?" He asks harshly "I'm hanging out with the girls" I raise my eyebrow at him "Okay" He gives me a cold shoulder. 

As I walk in we both glare at each other, Alaina walks up to me with her arms spread out waiting for me to hug her "Bri" We give each other a big tight hug "I missed you" She mumbles into the crook of my neck "I missed you too" We hug each other for a few seconds until I hear Whitney racing out of the kitchen "Bri" I let go of the hug and go over to hug Whitney "I missed you so much, Bri" She says sweetly into my neck "I missed you too" Marshall walks past me and gives me an evil glare while I keep hugging Whitney, I glare at him back.

I let go of the hug and take a good look at Whitney "You look so beautiful" I smile at her "Thank you" She giggles. 

Hailie comes out of the kitchen and gives me a hug "My dad will be staying a little bit with us then he is leaving, try to get along with him please" She whispers in my ear "I'll try but I can't promise anything" I whisper back to her "Thank you" We stand there hugging each other for a few seconds until she pulls away "I missed you so much" We are all pretending like we haven't seen each other in years in front of Marshall so Marshall won't get angry. 

It's working he seems to buy it but he is giving me a cold glare I look at him the same way. Hailie, Alaina and Whitney notice what's happening but they don't say or do anything about it, they want us to work it out but knowing Marshall he probably won't want anything to do with me all he wants is his daughter but he ain't getting what he wants and I'm gonna make sure of it. 

My thoughts get interrupted by Alaina talking "Bri" Alaina says my name "Yes" I turn to face her so she knows she has my full attention "My uncle will be staying with us for a little while, is that okay with you?" She throws her arm around his neck and gives me a big smile while Marshall is giving me a glare. If looks can kill I'd be dead "Of course"

I give Alaina a sweet little smile and Marshall face softens up. I don't give a fuck that he soften up when he sees me smiling at Alaina, I give him glare that makes him glare at me again. Some time has past, now I'm outside smoking. I see Marshall walking towards me "I thought you quit smoking" Marshall says "I did, until I saw you" I glare at him "I should probably go back to popping pills because I saw you as well" He says sarcastically "Go do that" I suck in my cigarette and blow smoke at his face "What the fuck was that for?" He says clearly annoyed by my action as he waves the smoke away from his face "So you can get lost" He takes a few steps closer to me but doesn't break eye contact "I don't appreciate that, bitch" He sounds angry "Get use to it" I show him signs that I don't give a fuck what he says. 

There's a moment of silence between us "I know what you want" I smirk at him "What is it I want, huh?" I suck in my cigarette and blow smoke at his face again, he is getting irritated... I like it "You want Bella" I say in a bitchy way "Doesn't take a genius to figure that shit out" He sounds angry "I got news for you; you ain't getting her" I laugh "Really?" He smirks at me "Over my dead body" I smirk "That can be arranged" I'm taken by surprise by what he said but I show him no fear "You don't scare me, Marshall" He doesn't respond. 

As I'm about to suck my cigarette Marshall snatches the cigarette out of my hand, throws it on the floor and stomps on it a few times "Marshall, what the fuck?" I yell as I take a few steps forward away from the brick wall I was leaning on so I can push him but Marshall wraps his hand around my throat choking me. 

He pushes me against the wall, fear is written in my eyes "Listen to me you fucking bitch, I'm getting my daughter back and there is nothing, I mean nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me, do you understand?" He threatens fire is in his eyes, I really pissed him off "Marshall...." I try to speak but I can't because his grip around my throat tightens "Do you understand?" He repeats himself again. 

His grip becomes a little tighter "I... under...stand" I barely form the words "Good" He releases his hand away from my throat allowing me to breathe "I'm telling the girls I'm heading home" He informs me with an annoying smirk as I'm on my knees struggling to breathe "You're a monster" I gasp for air "Now you know why they call me Shady" He walks away from me and I can hear him tell the girls that he is heading home, Marshall gets in his black Cadillac Escalade and leaves.... what the fuck just happened?

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? 

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