Chapter 18

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I wake up to the feeling of someone staring at me. I rub my tired eyes with my hands and open them up, I look around my room analyzing my surroundings, I shift my eyes to the left of my room and spot this man sitting on my bed with a blank look, I immediately recognize this mysterious man. It's Marshall 

"Good morning" He says "What the hell are you doing here?" I yell. Marshall leans over me with his index finger on his lips "Shhh, Bella is downstairs having breakfast, she doesn't need to here her mom yelling" Marshall shhh's me "How did you get in here?" I whisper/yell "I found a key under your "welcome" mat" I'm in complete and utter shock by how calm he is "Your flight to New York leaves at 1:30pm and you'll be in New York at 3:10pm" Marshall tells me "What time is it now?" I ask "9:30am" I hop out of my bed and start packing my suitcase "Do you need help?" 

I look at him shortly then look back at my clothes as I'm about to fold them up and place them neatly in my suitcase "No I don't need help, just go check on Bella for me, please?" I shake my head "Okay" Marshall gets up and hugs me from behind "Good luck in New York" He whispers in my ear "I'll miss you"

He whispers seductively in my ear and leaves a few kisses on my neck sending chills down my spine. Like nothing just happened he walks out of my room as I'm still packing my clothes. Once I was done packing my clothes, I take off my nightgown and throw on a pair of blue jeans, a white plain t-shirt, a grey Nike full zip hoodie and white Nike air max. 

I walk over to the bathroom, wash my face and comb my hair and pull them up into a ponytail. I leave my suitcase in the living room along with my bag and walk to the kitchen and see Bella eating breakfast with Marshall. Both Bella and Marshall looks up at me "Good morning mommy" Bella smiles at me "Good morning baby" I smile at Bella "I made waffles for breakfast, is that okay?" Marshall asks me "Yes that's fine, thank you very much" 

Marshall gives me a cold stare then looks away, I don't understand what happened. First he hugs me from behind and kisses my neck and now he is acting cold towards me. 

I sit down at the dining table and begin to eat my waffles. After I'm done me, Bella and Marshall leave the house and walk to Marshalls black Cadillac Escalade car. Bella gets in the backseat of his Escalade and Marshall helps Bella put her seatbelt on then closes the car door and looks at me "You got everything?" He asks me "Yes" 

He gets in his car, I do the same and we both put on our seatbelt, Marshall looks at Bella from the rear view mirror and smiles "Are you comfortable?" He asks Bella "Yes Marshie" I giggle "Marshie?" Marshall looks at me "She is the only one who is allowed to call me that" Marshall starts the car and we drive off, half way through the drive in complete silence Bella breaks the silence "Mommy I'm bored" She rubs her eyes and yawns "Okay honey, do you want to play on my phone?" Bella nods. 

I pull out my IPhone 5s and earphones from my purse and plug it in before passing it to her "Here you go Baby" I pass it to her and she begins to play, I look over at Marshall to try and talk to him about what happened in my room.

"Marshall?" I say his name "What?" He sounds annoyed "What was that?" Marshall furrows his eyebrows at me not knowing what I mean by that question "Why did you hug me like that?" Marshall chuckles as I specify for him "You think it meant something, don't you?" He asks laughing "No" I shake my head "Then why ask?" He asks "I just wanted to know" I tell him "Trust me Bri it didn't mean anything" Marshall shakes his head "Okay" I don't respond, I just stare outside the car window looking out as everything pass me by quickly. 

Marshall takes a quick glance at me then returns his eyes at the road and sigh obnoxiously "Now you're mad" I quickly turn my head to look at Marshall "I'm not mad" I shake my head "Then what the hell is wrong with you?" He asks clearly angry "What's wrong with me? No, what's wrong with you for hugging me even though you hate me? you don't just hug someone you hate and whisper seductively in their ear and leave a few kisses on their necks. What were you doing? Trying to seduce me?" I glare at him "I wasn't trying to seduce you, I just wanted to wish you "good luck" and tell you that "I'll miss you" in a friendly way, it's not my fault why you're too dumb to tell the difference between seduction and being friendly plus I was trying to be a friend when I hugged you cause I knew you needed it" I roll my eyes at what he said because it's so dumb 

"Really? Friends?" Marshall nods while staring at me with anger in his eyes "Then I guess you were being a "friend" when you choked me" I throw it back to his face what he did "I fucking apologized for what I did, what else do you want from me?" He yells "I don't want anything from you, you can apologize as much as you want but you can't take back what you did" He doesn't say anything. 

The whole ride to the airport was completely silent. We finally make it to the airport and Marshall helps me with my suitcase, I kneel down to Bella and grab her tiny hands, she pouts and keeps her head low "Baby, look at me?" I ask her nicely, she lifts her head up "How long are you going to be gone?" She asks me "I don't know baby but Marshall will look after you while I'm away" I give her a sympathetic smile "But I want you mommy" She frowns. 

I look up at Marshall who now has his head down, I look back down at Bella "You'll have so much fun with Marshall, you'll probably forget about me" I giggle and she laughs, I look back up at Marshall who has a small smile on his face "I love you mommy" She hugs me "I love you too baby" I hug her for a few seconds while playing with her hair, I get back up and walk over to Marshall

"Look after her for me" I frown "You are not dying you are just going to New York" He chuckles "Well it feels like I'm dying" Me and Marshall laugh "Besides I don't know know how long I'll be there for" I sigh "I promise you she'll be safe with me" He reassures me "Thank you" Marshall gives me a tight hug. 

We both let got of the hug and we stare into each others eyes for a few very long seconds while holding each other "I... ummm... have to go" I gulp "Yeah" We let go of each other "Bye Bella" I wave at her "Bye mommy" As I walk inside the airport me and Marshall don't break eye contact. 

He finally waves at me, I wave at him and Bella. I hope I'm not gonna be there for long, I can't stay away from my baby. I walk inside the airport and call my mom. 

She picks up "Hey baby" My mom sounds kinda happy "Hey mom, I'm at the airport" I inform her "Good, when will you arrive in New York?" She asks me "3:10pm" I tell her "Great, see you then" She sounds cheerful now "See ya" Ughh... I hate my life 

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