Chapter 44

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Brianna's POV:

The night went painfully slowly after Marshall had said his goodbye to me, Damon didn't hold me and I kept tossing and turning to the point where I stood up from my bed and went straight to the kitchen, I looked through my cabinet and pulled out my bottle of vodka, I don't drink alcohol unless I'm upset which in this case I'm heartbroken over Marshall.

I plop down on the couch with the bottle in my left hand and my phone in my right hand, I drop the phone on the coffee table and I twist the cap off and start drinking the alcohol like it's water I hope my liver can afford it. In an instant I become very drunk, I think back at my life decisions that led me to this very moment. I hate everything.

Soon after thinking about life I break down in tears, all I could think about is why everyone in my life keeps leaving me? it's almost as if the universe is telling me I don't deserve love but one good thing came from it is I have a daughter from the man that broke my heart from the man who doesn't even believe when I said "I love you" because I have a boyfriend "curse the day I met Damon" from the man who said goodbye to me and from the man who left me completely broken drowning myself in alcohol just to get him out of my mind.

It hurts it fucking hurts the pain is too much for me to bare I know that there's plenty of fish in the sea but Marshall is the only one I truly love I have fallen for him so hard and for him to just say goodbye because he has to fucking "move on" makes me wonder should I give up or not? but then I think I won't give up on him because we are meant for each other. 

He chased me in the past he did everything he could to make me have a relationship with him and now I'm gonna do the same. I hope.

In a few more hours Damon has to wake up to go back to New York. Honestly I don't wanna be here when he leaves because it'd just be another reminder that someone has walked out of my life and it's gonna hurt. 

I like Damon but I don't love him so it shouldn't affect me but I wish for a chance to rewind time and fix it all, I wish I hadn't left the apartment when my mom told me about her drug addiction because on that same day as I got the confession from my mom I met Damon.

To be completely honest I have no idea how to get to Marshall back, how to convince him that I actually love him because he doesn't believe me all because I have boyfriend. I know that Hailie or Alaina will help me talk to Marshall but I don't want their help, I want to do this on my own like I have done everything on my own. 

After a few more sips of my vodka I hear the floor creaking closer and closer to me steadily then I hear a groan and a yawn. Damon has woken up from his slumber. He looks at me but I don't respond he then lets out a long sigh, he plops down on the couch and just stares at me in disappointment 

"Why are you up?" I ask him not making eye contact with him "When I tossed over to hold you, you were gone so I got worried" Damon says softly "Funny how you should say that since you ignored me for the whole night" I finally look at him with bloodshot eyes "I didn't mean to ignore you I was just heartbroken" Damon looks down "That makes two of us"

As I'm about to take a sip of my alcohol he grabs it and yanks it out of my grip "What the hell are you doing?" Damon asks raising his voice "Drinking myself to death" I chuckle "Quite fucking obvious" I yell but not loud for Bella to hear "Don't yell at me for trying to look out for you" Damon says strictly "Now you are trying to look out for me, I was crying in bed but you ignored me" I yell "You were crying over Marshall" He yells "Yes I was crying over him because he is the one I truly love but he left" I yell 

"Then what the hell are you doing with me?" He backs away from me "I ask myself that same fucking question" I yell "I heard the entire conversation between you and him" Damon yells at me "No surprises there" I scoff  "It surprised me that even after Marshall said goodbye to you, you still went after him anyways" He says shocked "Because I love him" 

I yell "That's not the point" He shakes his head "Then what the hell is the point?" I ask impatiently "The point is you went after someone who doesn't even feel the same way for you, he just lied to you baby" He sighs and I look down in realization that maybe it could be a lie. 

Maybe Marshall doesn't feel the same way I feel for him, maybe Marshall only said that to hurt me "You need to let go" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him "Just let go because he has already done it" Damon tries to calm me down and it's working "You're right" I mumble. 

He kisses the top of my head and hugs me "I'm sorry" I cry on his shoulder, he plays with my hair softly "It's okay baby, it's okay" He pulls away from the hug and cups my cheeks and strokes them gently "You're drunk baby and heartbroken over him so I'm not mad" He kisses my forehead gently "Thank you" 

I say as more tears roll down my cheek "You're welcome" He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his shoulder "Thank you for being so sweet" I smile at him "What did we agree on?" He chuckles while rubbing my back "Adorable Asshole" I laugh "That's right" He giggles, we stay in each others embrace for a few minutes 

"Let's go to sleep" He lets go of the hug and kisses my wet cheek "Yes please" He gets up and takes my hand and walks me to my room. He gets in bed and I get in bed too. He pulls me to him and cuddles with me "Goodnight" He kisses my head and cradles me "Goodnight" I look up at him and kiss his chin, he giggles. 

He is so sweet and I'm truly surprised that he is not angry at me. Maybe he is right, maybe I need to stop chasing him and move on, I have Damon I need to concentrate on him not on Marshall. Goodbye Marshall.

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