Memory #3

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I walk into the guild hall returning from one of the many jobs I have done. Although this particular one proved more difficult then I believed it to be. i keep my head down, ignoring the people attempting to talk to me and rush up the steps trying to get to my room.

"Jade?" I curse to myself as I hear Gajeel behind me.

"What's up?" I say refusing to turn around.

"Where ya going? You're in a rush, how was the job?" I sigh and chuckle.

"Easy as can be, now if you'll excuse me  I need to go freshen up."

"I'll let you go, if you turn around." I groan and look at the ceiling. I calmly turn around, as soon as he sees my face he rushes over. "What the hell happened to you?!"

"I thought it was an easy job, kill the bandits, get the money and leave. But these bandits.. they were different. Much stronger than what the paper claimed. I was rushed as soon as my presence was known and tied to a chair while I was tortured. They didn't see my insigna thankfully." I say quietly and go to walk away, until Gajeel grabs my arm.

"Imoto I-" He pauses and stares at me embarassed.

"Did you just call me imoto?" I ask surprised.

"I-I uh.. I didn't mean to-"

"I'm okay.. aniki.. I just need some ice and some rest." I say smiling at him.

"For now on, we go on jobs together. I don't want to see you coming home like this.. It scares me." I nod my head. 

"Of course, aniki." I say chuckling while he shakes his head.

"Guess this means we're family huh?" I roll my eyes.

"We were family the moment I made you that iron soup, just now, it's more offical." I say shrugging and walk away waving. "See you tomorrow my dear aniki." I hear him laugh.

"Good night, imoto."

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