Chapter 15

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"Missing you isn't the problem.. knowing you're never coming back.. that's the issue."

I rush towards his body as he falls to the ground with tears streaming down my face. I pick up his head and hold him tightly to me. I gasp as he opens his eyes and stares at me with a soft smile on his face.. I also hear Makarov stop walking and turn to look at me.

"Otosan.. no.. you can't leave me.. you're my only family.." I say crying as I brush the hair out of his face. I try to heal him with my flames but I can't.. "Why can't I heal you?! Why won't it work!?"

"You can't heal what doesn't hurt my child.. I knew this day would come, I knew as soon as he arrived it would be my end. But you.. you caused me to fight, to be strong." He begins coughing as blood spurts out of his mouth making me sob harder. "You do have a family.. Gajeel.. Lucy.. I know you may hate her.. but she is your sister.. work harder at being one with her."

"Look at what happened to you?! This is all because of her, because father wanted her back! I can't do it.. I can't!" I yell crying into his chest, I glance up to see Makarov with a sad look on his face as he slowly inches forword.

"My dear.. in life there is always pain, but you must learn from it, do not let the hatred burn so deep in your soul.. My infulence probably did not help but now you must let it go, for my time is almost up." Otosan says smiling softly.

"Otosan no! Please don't leave me.. I still have so much to show you.. my new magic, I need to show you how much I can grow.. I can't do it without you!"

"Yes you can.. and you will. Makarov? I have one final request.." Otosan says faintly, running out of breath... it's almost time.

"Yes Jose?" He asks calmly walking closer to him.

"Take Jade.. make her a member of FairyTail.. I know she has faught against you but that is because I clouded her poor heart.. please.. She is a good girl, full of love, passion, strength, kindness.. She needs someone to look after her when I am gone. I am leaving her in your hands, old friend.." With that, he takes his final breath. I gasp and begin panting.

"No, no, no, no, NO! Otosan!! Don't leave me.. please don't leave me.. I can't do this, I can't!" I yell punding on his chest with tears poring down my face.

"Child.. Jade is it?" I do nothing but stare at my otosans corpse refusing to acknowledge the man who did this to him. "Please.. listen to your otosans wishes.. let me help you.. I know you may feel as though I am your enemy, but I was doing just as you were, protecting my family." I gulp and continue staring at his body.

"I need time. I need to mourn, I need space.. I will join your guild like he asked.. but not now. You do understand right.. master?" I ask quietly. He sighs calmly and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Child you are welcome whenever you are ready." I nod shortly as tears come to my eyes.

"Hey Jade what-" I look up to see Gajeel standing in front of me in shock. "Oh my little imoto.."

"Aniki..." I cry looking at him. He rushes over and pulls me into a hug as I sob. I hear Makarov sigh and place his hands on both our shoulder.

"You both are welcomed to join FairyTail. The road may be rough, but you were just children blinded by Jose... whenever you are ready, I'll be waiting." With that said, the little master leaves the room and I just stare at otosans body feeling almost completely numb.

"Imoto.. what are you going to do.." Gajeel asks me quietly.

"Otosans last request was that I join FairyTail.. But I'm not ready yet.. maybe one day.. but not yet. I need time. I want to bury otosan and go on a journey.. just for a while." I say quietly sniffling in between making Gajeel smile.

"I will be waiting for you. I have plans to join FairyTail as well.. sooner than later.. but whenever you return. I'll be here." I smile softly at Gajeel as he picks up otosan as we head back to Oak Town.


'Here Lies Jose Porla. Guild Leader, wizard saint, father, and lover of all. You will be missed.'

I stare at the words etched on the headstone like I have for the last three days.. Gajeel left two days ago to give me the space I need, but all I really need is my Otosan.. he was my everything.. Him and Gajeel made my life complete.. But now, it's just Gajeel.

"Jade..?" I turn sharply to see my sister standing behind me, her teammates down by the road. I just stare at her as she kneels down next to me.

"What do you want Lucy..?" I ask quietly looking back to the grave.

"I went and saw father today, I completely cut ties with him.. He told me everything he did to you, everything that he felt, and I'm just so sorry I didn't realize. I'm so sorry I didn't help you and made you go through this alone.." Lucy says crying. I look at her in awe as she cries.

So... she actually cares.. I am quite surprised, I didn't think she would go see father. Hell that's the last thing I thought would happen at the end of this battle. I assumed she would be prancing around her guild hall celebrarting my otosans death.

"I understand now." I look at her in shock while she smiles softly with tears in her eyes. "I understand why you left.. Why you went to Phantom Lord and did the things that you did.. I understand why Jose was your otosan." I feel my own tears come into my eyes. "But know, when you come to FairyTail.. I'll be there too. I'll be waiting." She stood up and began to walk away.

I look at the headstone and let it all out.. everything hits at once.. I did this, to my own sister, my own flesh and blood.. she didn't know any better, we were both children. This can't be repaired over night.. but.. maybe in the future.

"Lucy!" I yell running to her, as soon as she turns around I'm pulled into a hug as I cry. I feel the other members but their hands on my back as I cry.. maybe.. just maybe I will be able to have a family when I'm ready.

"Now go, go on your journey, we will be waiting for your return." Says my sister and I smile.

"See you soon...sis."


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