Chapter 11

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"I don't care if heaven won't take me back."

I stare in awe at the man who became my brother over the year, his body is trembling in rage.. I have never been injured before, at least around him. The power I'm feeling is immense, I must protect him.. I must help him. If i don't he may lose it all. I can't let that happen.

"Aniki!" I yell to him making Lucy stare at me in shock. "I'm okay, don't let this cloud your judgment, I'm healing. Fight! Fight for me, for Phantom, fight for us, I will assist you if I am needed!" I yell at him, he looks at me and nods his head, calming himself.

"Guess it ain't to hard to catch a Salamander if you use the right bait." I smile softly as he goes back to his cocky self, I glance at my side to see the wound almost closed up, fire does damage yes, but because the fire runs in my veins it can't kill me, only put me down for a moment.

"Unlike you Phantom creeps I watch out for my friends. I won't let you lay a hand on her!" He yells making me laugh loudly, my sister and Natsu both look at me shocked as I stand next to Gajeel.

"You sure about that? I mean look at her, my dear aniki and I have been laying into her since she was brought here. You should have heard her pinky, acting all tough, the only reason she's so cocky is because you always come to save her. Why can't she save herself? Some wizard huh?" I ask laughing, making natsu's rage increase.. perfect.

"Natsu.." Lucy says looking at him as if he was a god.

"Stay back, this could get ugly. Especially after that witch dare to speak of you in that way." I feel Gajeel tense and I put a hand on his arm, he takes me hand off and gestures towards the wall and I nod taking a seat, this is his fight. But I will intervene if needed.

"This one's mine." Gajeel yells charging at natsu. I watch his every move, his hits, I watch as he is slammed into a wall and makes the building begin to collapse. I quickly stand up, ready to jump in if he needs me.

"Fire dragons: Talon!" Natsu yells, I immediatly jump into action and put my arms in a cross, blocking the attack with my own flames. Natsu is flung back and lands on his feet. Gajeel and I both jump down and i stand next him, guarded.

"I thought I told you to stay out of this squirt."He says not taking his eyes off Natsu.

"Do I ever listen, he's filled with rage, he's using to much of his flames. The power will die out soon you need to keep him angry." I say quietly making him nod.

"Such a smart girl, I'm happy to call you my little sister." I nod and quickly jump over near Lucy but still ready to fight. I feel her staring at me as she talks to a blue cat. They both go at each other again, and I finally snap.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I say still watching the fight. They're evenly matched until Natsus fire goes out.. hopefully it's soon.

"How could you do this.. to your own sister?" Natsu glances over in shock at what Lucy says and immediatly comes after me. I quickly block his attack and sigh.

"Hells fire: Iron whip!" With a quick jerk my flames are extended into a whip and he is flwon into a wall.

"Your fight it with me you bastard!" Gajeel yells.

"We were never sisters Lucy, you stood aside while father treated me like scum, you watched him beat me once he discovered I was practicing my magic. You and mother both. You were to scared to stand up against him. You may have not had his attention much, but he was still there, he would at least look at you. I hadn't seen fathers face in almost five years before he summoned me into his office, demanding to know what I did with you." I say glaring at the fight in front of me.

"I never knew..." She said staring at me.

"Oh shut the hell up, you watched it happen, in the kitchen as a child you would get a whole meal and love from the maids. I recieved nothing but bread, and if I was lucky I'd get to have butter on it. But not you, it was always Lucy." I say angerily. "Now can it before I end this discussion right now."

I watch as Gajeel egins to use his iron dragon sword, a blade equipped with multiple circulating balde. Slicing anything it touches into oblivion. I reach behind me and unlatch my sword in case I need to step in again, this is getting ugly fast.

Natsu somehow manages to evade every swipe and slash from Gajeels blade.. which is surprising. He has never failed to slice someone to bits with that move. This is going to be a fight of the century.. Lucy stands as Gajeel activates his iron dragon scales, her face is showing nothing but fear.. so she cares for the pinky. How touching, time to add fuel to the fire.

"That's all you got aniki? Come on already I'm getting bored. Rip this kid to shreds!" I say with my arms crossed against my chest shaking my head. I have full faith in him, but he is dragging this fight on to long.

"Don't worry imoto.. I'm just having some fun." he says charging at Natsu with an iron dragon fist.. hm impressive I must say.

He begins relentlessly beating into Natsu, as Natsu decides to fight back, he is shocked when he discover Gajeel's whole body is made of steel, Natsu yells in pain and begins rolling on the grond making me sigh and shake my head in annoyance.

I watch as they both use their slayer magic to create a roar, I quickly stab my sword in the ground to stop myself from flying away due to the amount of wind that is created from their collision. Once the smoek clears I begin watching closer as they begin speaking again, but then.. something shocking happens.

Natsu cracked gajeels armor.

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