Chapter 10

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"It is not flesh and blood, but the heart that makes us father and daughter."

As soon as otosan and I are ready to begin, Gajeel appears in the room with none other than my twin sister. I stare at her bruised body and feel a slight pain in my heart, but Phantom Lord is my family, not her. She abandoned me, left me with that bastard.. some sister huh?

"I don't  believe it, my stongest wizards, the element four was wiped out by that FairyTail scum?" Otosan says venomously, not sensing Gajeels presence.

"Guess that makes them even worse then scum, huh master?" Gajeel says smirking.

"Gajeel.. so you've returned bearing a gift have you?"

"Yeah.. I picked you two up a little somethin while I was out. " he says smirking.

"Well. I'm impressed." I say nodding at my aniki making him smirk.

"How were you able to track her down so quickly?" Otosan says curiously.

"Never underestimate the nose of a dragon slayer master."

"Is she alive? We need her to be." I say simply and look to Gajeel cocking my head to the side.

"I was a little rough with her.. Let's see!" Gajeel says laughing and kicks her into the wall making her grunt in pain. I smirk at her state and sigh.

"Oh sister, how pathetic. At least she's still alive."

"Excellently done Gajeel, I knew I could count on you!" Otosan begins speaking to those fairies as Gajeel makes her scream, I smirk at her pain as those losers finally realize what has happened. He continues his threats while I just stare at him smirking, finally, the job has been complete. At least.. the legal job.

Otosan begins increasing the amount of phantom soldiers in order to keep them busy while I just stand there with my hand on my hip. I'm starting to get bored.. I need to fight and this sitting around with my worthless sister is making me angry.

"Keep an eye on the girl, there are still some pests scuttering around my guild hall."

"You talking about pinky?" I say at the same time as Gajeel says "You talkin about salamander?"

"Yes him, and his friends. They've been lucky thus far.. but their luck is about to come to an end. I'm going to exterminate them myself!"

"Otosan no!" I yell rushing to him and grabbing his arm. "What if something happens to you? I can't lose anyone else, please don't leave!" I say with tears in my eyes making him sigh.

"As long as you have Gajeel, you shall never be alone my dear. You will always be my daughter, but I have been on the sidelines for far to long. It is time to take matters into my own hands." He says looking down at me. "Do not cry, our time was priceless.. do not forget what I have taught you, you are as strong as can be. Use your gift, beat those scum, protect your brother.." With that he walks out of the room and I drop to my knees.

"Otosan..." I say looking at the doorway with tears in my eyes. I sigh as I feel a strong magical energy reverbirate through our guild. I quickly wipe my tears and stand up. "It is almost time Gajeel. We must fight with everything we have, for we are all that is left."

"Who the hell do you think you're talkin to imoto? I never give up." I smile and nod at him. Please otosan.. be safe, survive.. for me..


Gajeel has been throwing my sister around since we felt pinkys magic. He's asked me for a turn but I simply dismissed him and focused on the fight with pinky. It won't be easy, but Gajeel and I can do it.. We can win.. for Phantom..

"Gajeel don't you think she's had enough?" One of the other members say.. huh I didn't even notice them. "Besides the master said he doesn't want her gettin hurt or nothin.."

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Leave him be, let him do as he pleases. The master wouldn't dare punish Gajeel. As long as she's alive that's what matters." I say staring at my hand encased with black flames.

"I can't believe he is leaving me to watch over blondie while he gets to have all the fun. I'm just playing with my new toy."

"If the master catches you-" I immediatly cut him off.

"Otosan left me and Gajeel in charge of this wrench, she is nothing but Fairy scum despite what you may think. She joined a guild, she should have expected to get into a predicament like this. It's life." I say shrugging.

"You know it's kinda sad.. I feel bad, her guild members didn't even want her back till they found out her old mans loaded." I smirk at Gajeels smart remark until I hear her laugh.

"Geez you really are dumb.. I can barely even believe it. It's just sad. I can't even believe it, I feel sorry for you."  look to my sister in shock.. wow she really doesn't get it.. "Phantom Lord, huh? Ruler of the spirits? Oh please, you don't scare me."

"You really shouldn't have said that.." gajeel says smirking and ramming her into the wall. I sigh and decide to make my presence known as she drops to the floor.

"You got guts running your mouth in our guild hall.. Lucy Hearfilia." I say stepping next to Gajeel, she raises her head and stares at me in shock.

"Jade..? What are you-how are you?" She stammers.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I ask walking closer, my boots being the only noise in the room. "That's right sister I have been here, every step of the way, making sure daddy dearest gets his prized possession back." I say smirking and getting down to her level. "I mean afterall.. who wouldn't want the heir to the bloodline back after they so carelessly ran away." I say chuckling and stand back up.

"How could you do this?! Join a guild as evil as they are?!" She yells at me, instantly my eyes glow their signiture blue and I shoot towards her, hitting her in the face with my flames.

"I'm just as evil as they are, after all, I'm a satanic witch right? I don't deserve love? I deserve pain, and misery, just like your bastard of a father gave me! They have been a better family then you and that bastard could ever be!" I scream ready to go at her again until pinky launches himself through the floor.

He tries to land a hit but I am able to dodge it, at least for the most part. I look down at my side to see a burn mark running along my side. I groan in annoyance, hurt by my own element, how pathetic of me. I watch as pinky stands and screams at my brother and I. Gajeel looks at me and sees me clutching my side.

"You dare lay a hand on my sister! I'll kill you for that!"

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