Chapter 14

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"We do not learn from happiness, we can only learn from pain.."

I stare at the rubble that the fairy master stands on gritting my teeth. I will not allow him to take otosan away from me. The only man who ever loved me besides Gajeel. I will not lose anyone else!

"This war between us has gone on long enough. Let's end this here and now!" Titainia stands at the sight of her beloved master, I quickly step next to Otosan and get into a fighting position, Makarov stares at me in confusion. "Just who are you child? You are the only one who still stands besides Jose of your guild, yet you fight on?" He says confused.

"You will not harm any more of my family. I am sick of you fairies destroying everything. I will defend them and their honor if it's the last thing I do!" I yell.

"If we fight.. it could create a catastrophe." Otosan says smirking and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I will handle this dear."

"No, please! Let me help you!" I say desperatly making him shake his head.

"This is your war no longer.. Your life is to precious to be lost. Please.. let me fight this alone." I sigh with tears in my eyes but nod stepping back. I look down with my bangs covering my eyes, knowing what is going to happen.

I feel the amount of magic increasing between the both of them.. Makarov though has the upper hand, for otosan uses dark magic, he uses light. This could prove to be his downfall.. I may lose my otosan today.. I can't..

"In order to save my guild, I will gladly take that risk." Makarov yells, I slam my sword into the ground holding myself in place with tears streaming down my cheeks in fear of what may happen. While otosan laughs, I believe he may know that the end is near. Wheter it be the battle, or his life, he is prepared to lose.. I can't.. it hurts.

I know the other branches have been defeated.. I can feel it, the pain coursing through my body and through otosans. Despite the front he puts up, it hurts him to see his members in pain.. It hurts him so bad he only knows how to express it in range.. my poor otosan..

"You kids need to get out while you can!" I hear the other members protesting but follow his orders.

"Jade.. you must go." Otosan says sadly, looking at me.

"NO!" I yell making the room shake even more. "If this is the end.. I will stay with you through it all.. Otosan.." I say smiling at him through my tears.

"You've always had such a kind heart.." He says quietly. "It's been six years since we last came face to face. Then Phantom was number one, and no one knew how large your FairyTail would become." he laughs mockingly. "But now it's been reduced to rubble." I look up to see Makarov charge at otosan and the tears flow even faster.

"Our guild hall may have been destroyed, but we're strong as ever!"

"I must admit, I'm looking foreword to this." Otosan says smirking. "Although it's frowned upon by the council I can't wait to see who's the superior wizard saint."

Then.. the fight starts again.. I hear the thunder and the waes crashing against our giant. I can't help but to watch as the two saints go against each other.. my heart is with otosan.. But I fear he may not come out of this alive..

They are both injured by an attack but makarov avoid otosans death wave and casts some large light beam at otosan. I am unsure of what his exact magic is, they begin speaking again and the speeches sound as though it is the end.. I can't bare this.

"Kneel to me." I look in shock at Makarovs idea of submission, I immediatly stand myself up straight, refusing to kneel to a man who is causing my otosan pain. I watch as light envelopes my otosan and everything else in the surrounding are. It's so bright I have to shield my eyes.

As the light dulls down I look across the room to see otosan pale as a ghost and covered in sout. I stare at his pale state in shock as Makarov continues to antagonioze him.. I cry freely and rush towards otosan as he crashes to the ground.


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