Chapter 9

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"Before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for."

I smirk as I feel the magic from the Jupitor Canon being activated. This is it, this is the fight that will determine what we are, WHO we are. We fight until there is no tomorrow, we fight as though our lives depend on it. Which they do.

"Aniki, we must be ready." I say as he nods his head. I feel the shot go out, the whole building shakes as I rush into otosans room. "Did it work?"

"Makarov has fallen, and now Erza can no longer stand. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender Lucy Heartfilia immediately, you have no choice." I cringe as I hear the last name, I haven't heard it in the past year. Their guild begins protesting making otosan angry. "I won't ask again! If this is what you want I'll give you a second helping of Jupiter! You got fifteen minutes!" Otosan yells.

"What do you want me to do otosan?" I ask as calm as I can.

"Stay with Gajeel, you two are the strongest team, I have the element four assisting with powering the canon, now go." I nod but before I leave I turn to him.

"Thank you otosan.. for everything.. I love you and you're the best father I could ever ask for." With that I leave, knowing that if I stayed any longer, I would not fight, I would stay with him.

I look out the window running through the halls as I search for Gajeel, where would he disappear to? Are those Otosans troops?! He never uses those unless he means business.. Fairy Tail, be scared. Be very scared, I say smirking.

I rush past the room Jupiter is in only to see Totomaru standing against Natsu.. This can't be good, Toto's fire isn't as strong as mine.. He may lose, I can't let that happen, his power is needed. I watch as Natsu tries to attack him, only to hit himself in the face?

My eyes widen and I chuckle, so this is the mysterious power he was always talking about, he can manipulate others flames. That's amazing.. I smirk and quietly sneak out of the room.. if anyone can handle Natsu, he can.

As I'm running through the halls I gasp when the headquarters magic suddenly depleats... no.. I quickly turn around and rush into the room with Totomaru only to see the lacrima shattering.. I can't even hear the words pinky is muttering as I grit my teeth in anger.. no.. Otosan will be furious with me.

"You.. ruined.. everything." I mutter loud enough for Natsu to hear. He stares at me confused until the headquarters begins shaking.

"He's awakening it now?!" Totomaru yells shocked. I look at him equally as confused and surprised. "There's no horizontal stabilization!" Once I realize the situation I laugh loudly making the pink haired fairy turn to me.

"Oh you fairies are sooo fucked." I say laughing loudly.That is until.. I am teleported out of the room and with otosan, I look around confused but quickly rush and hug him. He smiles softly and hugs me back.

"Three of the elements have been defeated.. All who stands is Aria.. Natsu is currently dealing with him now. I must join this battle soon." I look at otosan in shock.

"Otosan.. I can't lose you. Please let me assist.. Once Gajeel gets ahold of that twin I will leave, until then.. Let me help. Please, I feel as though I have done nothing." He sighs and softly smiles at me, a rare one.

"I do believe I could use your aid.. But know, the otosan you know, I won't be like that. I plan to reign hell on those fairies, which means I will be vengful and cruel." He says sighing making me chuckle.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Let's do this."

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