Chapter 13

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"You were unsure which pain is worse-- the shock of what happened, or the fear of what never will."

"GAJEEL!!" I scream and throw myself out the window and land next to him holding is ead.

"You can't.. defeat me.." Gajeel mumbles.

"Oh yeah? I think I just did." Natsu says. I feel my rage hit its peak and both Gajeel and I are ecased in black flames, but this time it is not burning him.

"YOU WILL PAY!" I scream and jump towards Natsu, only to have my hand pulled back.

"Imoto.. it's over.." Gajeel says holding my hand, I feel tears enter my eyes.

" it's not fair.. We should have won! We did everything and we lost.." I say looking at him in the eyes, he pulls me down laying with him and I sob uncontrollably. "I, I did everything otosan said to do.. and you were still defeated.. I should've done more. I.. I need to go!" I yell standing.

"Jade, don't!" Gajeel yells knowing exactly what I'm about to do.

"NO! I refuse to let otosan face this alone. I wasn't able to assist you, but now, I am going to fight for my life. Cause this guild, is my life!"


I teleport next to my otosan appearing in a ball of flames next to him. I stare in anger at the destruction of my home. Otosan looks at me in shock at both my appearance, and my rage. "Jade?! What happend??" I give him a look and he sighs. "Damnit!"

I stand next to him as Titania is ready to attack, I step in front of him drawing my own blade against her, she stares at me in shock and in anger. I refuse to let otosan handle this alone, I will fight till my last breath for him, for my family. for we, are one.

"Jade.." Otosan says in shock.

"You will not cause harm to any more of my family." I say and charge at her, and the fight begins, blade against blade. Despite her weakened state she is in, she is strong, but unlike her, I have not taken as much damage, therefore my power is above hers.

Suddenly she is encased in otosans shadow magic and begins explaining why we attacked, why we did everything. I jump next to him as she begins talking about the high and mighty Lucy, how she has no access to the family fortune and how amazing she is, and a beatiful person, and I decide to step in.

"Oh of course, the heavenly Lucy Heartfilia" I say spitting the last name in disgust. "Did you know that she has a sister, one who she abaonded, one who was beaten and starved by her own father. But yet.. Lucy stood by and did nothing. She is nothing but a spoiled rotten bitch, I don't care about her rent, or her strength, because despite it all, she cares about no one but herself." I say venomously.

"Lucy.. has a sister?" Erza said in shock making me laugh.

"And she's standing right in front of you. The disgrace of the family, the satanist, the witch, whatever name you please to use. But I found a new family, one who protects me and doesn't name me as a disgrace for my magic.. even Lucy was scared of me as a child. At OUR mothers funeral she stayed far away from me, it was my fault.. everything was my fault. While Lucy was the PERFECT daughter!" I yell slamming my blade down creating a slash of flames headed straight for her.

"That wasn't her fault! It was your fathers!" She yells in pain, it was kind of a cheap shot considering she is trapped but hey, a battle is a battle.

"You're right!" I say smiling making her softly smile at me. "It's all fathers fault and Lucy did nothing wrong, it's not like when she ran away she left me locked in my room, it's not like she watched father beat me, but again, let me just roll over and forgive the oh so perfect Lucy." I say glaring at the end.

"She was a child!" Erza yelled making my eyes water.

"As was I!! A child who knew no love until I found Phantom!" I screamed.

"You know nothing of Lucy." She says to both otosan and I.

'Well, we'll find out soon enough.. We're not handing her over to her father without getting some sort of benefit. I'll keep her prisoner until her bastard of a father meets my demands! I'm going to bleed the Heartfilia family of their fortune and give it to the rightful heir! The daughter who was nothing but forgotten.. of course I will take a small profit but majority of the money will go to Jade." I stare in awe at otosan.. never did I ever think he would do that for me.

"Curse you!" Titania yells in pain as otosan tightens the hold on her.

"I wouldn't keep struggling like that, it will make it all the more painful." Otosan says smirking summoning his two high ranking phantoms.. they begin to drain her of her soul making me sigh.. What an easy way to go. I watch as Erza begins pulling her own blade towards her.

No.. she really isn't going to kill herself is she? Pathetic.. she could live on and the guild will too then, they won't have to live knowing she died for them. How fucking sefish of her. But then again.. this isn't my book. It's hers, she is her own author.

Just as her blade is about to pierce her back she is envoloped in a golden glow.. healing all of her injuries. I glare at the sight knowing exactly what has happened.. Damnit Aria! He was supposed to be dead.. You have failed us!

"You have shed the blood of our children, and that is unforgivable. They have been made to suffer because of the incompetence of their parents. We are both to blame Jose."

Makorav is alive.. this could mean the end.. But I am not letting otosan down.


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