Chapter 8

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"Success is a series of small victories"

The guild members look at me confused. What can I say? I like to speak in riddles, they don't know what we have planned, and currently it is all falling into place. Every little fight, every argument, it's all what otosan and I have planned to happen. 

"What the hell are you talking about you witch?!" One of their members yell making Gajeel hit him in the face with his iron.

"Talk to my sister like that again and you'll be on your deathbed.. got it?!" He yells angerily still glaring at Natsu.

"I'm very well protected, so I'd suggest you mind your tongue." I say smirking. I feel the guild stop shaking as much, meaning their master has finally made it to otosan. Perfect. "Unlike your guild we all have strength, all you seem to do is rely on your master.. but what would happen if something happened to him? Would you cry, scream? Tell me." I say smirking, causing Natsu to charge at me, I hold my hand to Gajeel and sigh.

"Shut the hell up! Master is stronger then any of you!" I grab the fire dragons hand and set my own hand on fire, causing him to scream in pain. 

"I wasn't talking to you pinky." I say calmly and throw him back towards Gajeel.

I smirk as I hear the scream and watch as their esteemed master falls into the middle of our guild hall, as green as ever. How.. powerful, hm? They underestimated our power, our guild, Gajeel, me, they think they are better than all of us. When in reality they are nothing but fairy scum.

I watch as they all crowd around their poor powerless master, Aria has really outdone himself this time, disabling a wizard saint. I must say I am quite impressed. I watch as Gajeel stares at the scene bored and I jump on the rafters with him.

"Guess the funs over huh imoto? It was just getting started too." He says making me smirk and click my tongue.

"We will have more fun, don't you worry. I'm just impressed my plan worked." I say shrugging making him snort.

"Have your plans ever failed before?" I chuckle

"Good point." I watch as our guild begins attack the fairies once again, with a strength that is unknown to them. Again.. all according to plan, they seem weak in the beginning making those fairies believe they'll win. Then Gajeel and I join, make the others stop fighting, their master loses his magic, we use our true strength. Simple as that.

"We must retreat! Everyone back to the guild at once!" Titania yells making their members look at them in shock, while I laugh.

"There they go, I knew it wouldn't be long until they started running for their lives." Gajeel says laughing, making me smirk.

"They're retreating with sorrow in their hearts." Aria says.

"Good to see ya Aria." I say waving at the big man, he just simply nods.

"Aria, I see you're just as creepy as ever. I gotta commend ya on taking out that FairyTail geezer." 

"I just followed Master and Witches plan." Aria said simply, only guild members can call me that without Gajeel getting angry. "But thank you!" Aria yells sobbing.. yet again.

"Why ya always cryin, jeez cut it out!" Gajeel says annoyed.

"Anyway, what happened with that Lucy chick?" I ask, pretending I don't know anything. Obviously with pinkies dragon hearing he knows what we're talking about.

"She's been captured, poor wrench is being held in a gloomy cell at headquarters." Aria says emotionless.

"So much for a warm welcome huh?" Gajeel says laughing.

"Agh, Gajeel!" He yells, wow does everyone forget about me? 

"We'll finish this one day pinky." I say as Aria teleports us out of the guild hall and to the headquarters.

As soon as we enter I feel otosans rage, I quickly run to where I feel the magic energy and sigh as I see him in the cell, where I'm assuming my sister was glaring out the opening and onto the ground. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"We'll get her back, we'll make them pay for what they did to our guild hall, to our members. What they have done will not go unpunished. I can promise you that otosan." I say just as enraged as he is.

"Yes they will, cause we're bringing the fight to them." I stare in awe but nod my head, although he cannot see it. 

"Then we attack, as soon as possible." 

"I want these headquarters ready to move in ten minutes." He screams letting the whole guild hear him. 

I walk out of the cell and begin to wander the halls. After all these years I will finally be seeing my disgrace of a sister, I will finally be able to make her pay for the pain that has been caused. It may not be directly her fault, but she could have fought against father, so could our mother. But they were to scared, I was the only one who said anything.

My hand ignites and I throw my hand through the stone wall, watching it collapse as my fist bleeds. But at the moment the pain feels right, at this moment all I care about is raining hell on the guild who attacked my family. Even if it means getting rid of that twin of mine.

"Imoto?" I turn to see Gajeel standing behind me, he grabs my hand and begins looking at my bleeding knuckles. "What's goin on kid? You never lose it like this." I sigh.

"They attacked my family, all cause my selfish father wants his prized possession back, they killed our guild mates thinking we were just doing it for fun. They underestimated all of us, and I'm infuriated that I wasn't here with otosan when my twin was here. She would have never escaped. Now.. we're starting a war, a war we may not win." I say angerily.

"Jade. Are you doubting yourself? Hell you're one of the most powerful wizards I know, besides me of course." I roll my eyes and chuckle at his cockiness. "But in all honesty, if you want to win, stick by me, I will be the one handling Lucy, and I know Natsu will come after me. I'm gonna need you." I smirk.

"We are the hellbringers after all." I feel the ground vibrate meaning we have reached our destination. "It's time."

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