Chapter 16: Commander

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I winced in pain as I walked around the campsite. It's night time already but I decided to go around. I just can't chill out myself. I don't wanna sleep. I don't really need it anyways. I can stay awake for a year without any sleep.

I also, need to search for the new Commander that Yonho sent after informing him about how General Zhao with his colleague, The Commander here traitored the Yuan.

We executed this commander already.

I heard that this new Commander is Yonho's favorite. This guy must be something....

I climbed up the watch tower. Then I saw a guy riding with a horse along with three who looks like Yuan soldiers according to their uniforms going towards this direction.

He must be it. Odd, he's wesring a mask but I also, heard from the soldiers here that, he's wearing a mask because his face is full of battle scars.

Battle scars are known for honor.

I observed them even more, They look so hurry. Why?

Then my question is answered just after a second. The enemies are chasing them. They are many.

I took the horn from the chest here in the watch tower and blew it for the awareness that there is an attack.

I put the horn back to its place and jump off the watch tower. I looked out for the soldiers.

They are ready. HyunJoon is leading them.

"They are chasing the Commander with his colleagues! Let's hurry!" I shouted as I opened the door.

"Move!" HyunJoon commanded to his soldiers.

I unsheathed my sword then dashed out of the campsite along with the soldiers.

The Commander and his soldiers saw us. They quickly faced the enemies.

"Attack!" I heard the Commander said then he and the soldiers with him rode with their horses going to the enemies.

"Retreat!" One of the enemies shouted.

We haven't even clashed yet but they retreated.

I stopped on my tracks and halted the soldiers.

"We can't chase after them, we are still not familiar with this place but the enemies are. They would use that to us. Let's go back now." I said as I faced the soldiers.

They seem to understand and run back to the campsite.

I stayed on my place and faced where the commander at. He rode his horse towards my direction.

He stopped next to me. He just looked at me. I looked back on him. Then he run his horse again, going to the campsite.

The soldiers with him, followed his direction.

I just run back to the campsite.

I PANTED. I sat down on my bed to rest.

HyunJoon said that he would be just the one who would talk with the commander since I'm still injured. I insisted to it but he kept saying that I should rest.

I sighed and stood up. I'll just patrol again.

I exited my tent.

It's already late. So the area it's pretty silent. Some are asleep. The guys in nightshift are awake and patrolling around too.

I walked around. I winced in pain again. I held my stomach. It felt wet there. I looked on my hand, it's full of blood. I need to change my bandage.

The Cursed God || SeulRene FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon