Chapter 14: The Plan

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I entered the Regent's Hall. I walked passed by the guards. I stood in front of the Regent's meeting room.

The guards called him as they saw me. They opened the door. I entered then the door closed.

"What brought you here?" Yonho asked, confusedly.

I approached him at his seat.

"I want to marry your daughter." I said in a low tone. To the point that it was only us too could here.

His eyes grew wide.

Well. That's a part of our plan.


"We will start our plan with the first step, Marry me." HyunJae said.

I looked at her, bewildered.

"You'll know why in the second step..."

***End of flashback***

"Why? Why do you want to marry her?" He asked in bewilderment. He looked at me in the eye. I could see that there's no chance that he'll agree with it.

I need to make a valid reason for this. He knows how I just played with women. He knows everything aboit what I did.

"I... I can't explain this. But... I think I fell for your daughter." I lied.

His eyes narrowed as he observed me.

Please say yes. Please just this time, Yonho.

Then... A smile formed into his lips, "Who am I to stop you if you really love her. But... Is she okay with--"

The door suddenly opened, It was HyunJae and HyunJoon who entered the door. HyunJoon was surprised when he saw me. While HyunJae, did not even bother to look at me and dismissed the guards.

"What are you doing here?" HyunJoon asked as he closed the door.

"He was asking for a permission." Yonho said, happily.

HyunJoon squinted, "What kind of permission, Appa?"

"About marrying Kwon HyunJae." Yonho replied.

Then, HyunJoon looked at me furiously, "What? Let's talk alone, Kang."

I quickly approached him. What does he need?

He opened the door, He was about to exit but-- HyunJae blocked the way.

"Where are you two going?" She asked.

"I just need to ask some question to your man, HyunJae." HyunJoon said.

"But we need to go somewhere. Are you going to stop us?" HyunJae raised her eyebrow.

HyunJoon sighed in defeat, "Right, You two can go now...."

He suddenly faced me and brought his face closer to my ear.

"I already warned you to stay away from her but you didn't." He whispered.

I just looked at him in silence and didn't answer.

He now widen the gap between us and offered the way. I just exited the room.

I looked at HyunJae, "Where are we going?"

"Just follow me, We can't waste any time." She said.

But the...

"I have already spread the rumors don't worry." She added.

I just nodded, She started walking and I just followed her trail.

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