"Alright, why are we here boys? I believe it's due to Hoseok's sudden disappearance" The man speaks holding much aggression in his voice. Yes the company was mad due to Hoseok leaving to visit his family without asking to do so first, yet he shouldn't have to. 

I'm the first to speak up "I know what Hoseok did was irresponsible yet he needed to see his family. You know how he is, however before we get any further into that matter it isn't what we all wanted to speak about today" I feel anxious like something is twisting my stomach. I need to make this work, I have the entire group resting on my back. 

"How can there be anything else to speak about?" The man raises an eyebrow making the wrinkles in his forward much more visible. He's looking at each and everyone of us but then continues to stare me in the eye. 

Before I can say another word Yoongi too get's involved. "Let's get straight to the point shall we? We want a break, a month at least. All seven of us have been working so hard for years now.  So we all think it would be best for us all to spend some time for ourselves" Yoongi speaks so bluntly as his words bounce around the room.  As silence then filters each of us waits in anticipation to see weather we'll be shut down or accepted. 

"I don't know boys" Those words seem to crush all of us, I hear the sighs echo within the room and it breaks me as a leader. 

"Please, we really need this. Just one month, that's all. Then when it's over we'll get straight back into the music and another album" I say quickly hoping to change the mans mind. 

Finally after a few minute he unfolds his arms and straightens his back and continues to stare each of us in the eye. "I'll think about it. No promises though. I'll let you all know next week" 

A sigh of relief is released from my body and my muscles become relaxed. 

"Thank you" We say together and with that we left the room following after one another. 

As I leave the building I'm welcomed to the sun shining on my face. I should be celebrating our somewhat win but I can't help but wish it was midnight. I want to walk that same path and let the cool air hit my skin and think. I too would like to see that same girl. I want to speak to her, ask her what her name is and why she was out so late. 

Suddenly I am awoken from my daze once more by an excited Jungkook grabbing onto my shoulders. His smile is so bright, it warms my heart to see him this happy. 

"Namjoon Hyung you did it!" Jungkook says. His feet continuously bouncing up and down around me as if he truly were a bunny. His eyes glowing with glim and his smile didn't fade, not even a little bit. 

"I helped too" Yoongi simply states.

"Thank you Yoongi Hyung" Both Tae and Jin say in time, their eyes too wide and bright. 

"Lets just hope we get what we want" I say happily while my mind continues to run. 

Through out the day time simply moves as it normally does. I spend my time quietly within the studio watching it tick by. As the clock reaches 1:30am I leave the room without a second passing to put my shoes on. I move as swiftly and quietly as I can. I don't want to wake everyone up nor have to explain to them why I'm leaving so late because in fact I have no real explanation. 

As I continue to move I'm suddenly startled by a sleepy Yoongi standing above me in the corridor by the door, his hair messy and eyes half closed, I thought he was a ghost. 

"Where are you going this time?" He asks, a yawn escaping his mouth as he say's so. 

"No where particular" I reply 

"Hmm are you sure? You left about this time last night. You thought I didn't notice huh? Are you going to see someone?" 

I think about what I'm going to say next. Honestly I don't know what I'm doing. "I saw something pretty last night, I'm going to find it" Is what I end up saying probably only confusing him further. I open the door, the air quickly hitting my face from the other side. "Don't wait up for me"

"Wasn't planning on it" 

As I sip the beer that I hold in my hand I can't help but remember the man I saw last night. His figure stays glued in my mind, however I didn't see his face or if he truly was a man at all. 

I continue to walk without much balance. My head was pounding merely a few minutes ago yet due to the crisp air it had calmed down. I guess passing out seems like a possible outcome to my night but at this point it isn't likely. 

While walking down the familiar road I anticipate a warm bed and an episode of my favourite show before I meet my nights end but before that I expect to find the small children's park located next to the pond I always stop by, yet tonight I find a man standing where I usually stand. He has the same broad shoulders and tall figure as the man I had seen last night, I suppose I could be imagining things. He's facing the other way so to test my theory to see if he is real or not I quietly walk up behind him.

Due to my mind been under the influence of something toxic I have trouble deciphering what is right and wrong and what a normal person would do in a situation like this. My brain comes to the conclusion to talk to him. 

One foot follows after the other as I continue to approach the tall man. For all I know he could be a serial killer, so yes what I'm doing is very stupid yet I can't help myself. 

I am now inches away from him. I can hear his breathe as he slowly exhales. He hasn't moved since I first saw him tonight. He must be waiting for someone I suppose. 

I move my arm up slowly and I hold my breathe and I tap him on the shoulder three times. 

Instantly he whips around making eye contact. At first glance I will admit he is very handsome. His glossy clear skin is what girls including me would dream of having. His clear eyes and plump lips were beautiful and all I could find myself wanting to do was squeeze his cheeks. I hadn't seen a man like him before if I'm completely honest. He didn't look to be the type of person to dance all night with strangers until their feet were going to break. He looked to be a person that works hard to achieve what they want, however he looked sad I think, he looked like me. 

So in light of the situation I spoke with a smile "Hello again.." 

~Authors Notes~

I think switching between Y/n's and Namjoon's perspective is the way to go about this story. Anyway love you all 💜  

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