Hello Again

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"Y/n.... Y/n.....Y/N!" 

"Oh, ah sorry" I quickly blink my eyes and focus back on the task I'm meant to be completing but as to be expected I can't concentrate this early in the morning but I need to work. I have two jobs, both give me a sustainable income I guess. I shouldn't be complaining though, I'm lucky to have a job to begin with, it's the people I'm around I find myself wanting to get away from. 

"You always look so tired. The dark circles under your eyes become more visible every time I see you" 

"Sorry Su ya, I'll try to concentrate better" I simply state not taking much notice. She isn't the type of person I find myself wanting to talk to when cleaning dishes. Su Ya is a few year older then me but still acts as though she's a teenager. Her dyed hair and over lined lips is quite a sight to look at. Working with her in this lousy cafe can be such a pain but it's what put's food on the table. 

Quickly without much hesitation her eyes dart from me to the tv that sits above us, her hair slightly hitting me in the face as she does so. 

"Aren't they dreamy Y/n?" Su ya states letting water leak from the sink soaking her shoes.

"Who?" I ask not paying too much attention as I couldn't care less about who's on the screen.

"BTS of course. How can you not be totally in love with each and everyone of them. I heard they arrived back in Korea a few days ago. Ah I'd give anything to meet Jungkook, maybe I'll run into him someday" I can hear the wishfulness in her tone or maybe it's desperation, however all I can simply do is laugh at the statement she just confessed to me. 

"Don't laugh at me" She snaps back.

"Sorry" I say covering my mouth. "It's just that, how can you give all your love to boys like them, not just Jungkook but the entire group. I know they've accomplished a lot, which I will admit is quite impressive but giving all your love to a man in general just isn't worth it in my opinion" I don't mean to sound nasty and I know I'm a hypocrite but I can't help it. 

"I know you're beautiful Y/n but I think I now finally understand why you don't have a boyfriend" Quickly her mood has been ruined not it was that high to begin with, but our conversation ends, I can tell she doesn't want to argue with me any further and honestly I don't blame her. 

"Do you think they'll agree?" Jimin's eyes flutter as he seemly asks the taller Namjoon walking beside him. He holds so much urgency in such a simple question, I mean I don't blame him, we all want it, to have a break that is. 

"I hope so, I mean if all goes well then there should be no reason for them not to agree" I smile slightly at him, I truly want to believe that we are going to walk out of this building today with a months holiday awaiting us but honestly I can't be sure. 

Yoongi, Tae, Jin and Jungkook follow behind us, all in which ready to speak their hearts out. A break is what we want and a break is what we will get, we deserve that much at least. After all the work we've done within the last few years has left us exhausted.  

As I walk every step my thoughts about what I'm going to say become muddled and lost as I can't seem to concentrate. That girl I saw last night, she's on my mind. Why is that? 

I quickly continue to shake off my thoughts and we enter a familiar room with little to no light entering it's facilities. A large table sits in the middle and we each place ourselves around it. At the front stands a Bighit employee that we have spoken to many times. He likes to control our lives, tell as where to go and when, honestly I'm sick of it. 

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