"you're late" he growled out slowly

"because I had a detention no thanks to someone" he shot a glare at Isaac who just grinned sheepishly at the boy

Derek gestured to the meeting table and so there little plan was now underway, Stiles went and stood where he usually would be next to Derek and Scott on the other side, however today he ended up with Scott and Isaac beside him practically sandwiching him into place with Derek scowling from the opposite side of the table

Derek's level of restraint was pushing its limits just at watching Isaac and Scott touching each side of Stiles as he spoke about the passing of the lone wolf and the possible chances of a witch going through the territory but thankfully no threat as of yet, infact the only threat he could see right now was his two beta's touching what he considered his and just hasn't told anyone yet and he wasn't about ready to let them know just yet as he scrapped his claws off the table and dismissing the meeting an hour later and heading to the bathroom

Isaac smirked like he won the lottery and Stiles glared at Scott and Isaac "what are you doing?"

"Nothing it's a werewolf thing to have some form of contact with each pack member" it wasn't a lie but that wasn't why they where doing that and Stiles didn't need to know the real reason just yet "movie night anyone"

"I'll pass" Jackson huffed out only to be grabbed by Lydia

"we are staying" she shot him a glare and he frowned but didn't argue as she pulled him to the couch before taking the loveseat with jackson because Stiles decided to lay down

apparently laying down was Erica's opportunity to use Stiles as some form of bed as she flopped down ontop of him and Boyd just say infront of the couch casually leaning his head back to lay it against Stiles leg as his effort to 'touching' Stiles he didn't like to push Derek unlike the rest "OH MY GOD ERICA GET OFF ME!" Stiles hissed out as Derek walked back into the room, his glare hardened and there was a dark gaze in his eyes as he practically stormed his way into the kitchen

Erica whined "but Stiles! I want to cuddle, you seem so lonely without cuddles" she rubbed her face into Stiles neck as he groaned and pushed at Erica to get off him "you're smell so nice Stiles" she murmured into his neck and the wolves heads picked up to the sound of a low growl coming from the kitchen

Boyd sat up and Erica quickly got off Stiles "Jealous much" Isaac grinned and Stiles looked at him confused, Isaac just Smiled at him "Derek can we order Pizza?"

"No" He grunted out and they all pouted

Erica was now sat in Boyds lap and Isaac turned netflix on and Stiles voted for a series of batman movies, they where going to argue but then someone decided to remember they may have just pissed off a certain Alpha and decided they weren't finished "yes lets watch batman" Erica grinned immediately "because I'm catwoman and Stiles is my batman"

Stiles rolled his eyes and Derek joined them back in the seated area it's not much a livig room its seriously just the main area of the loft situated around a coffee table and a TV, Derek placed two mugs of coffee on the table and pushed Stiles feet off the couch so he could sit down, Stiles sat up and grabbed one of the mugs "thanks sourwolf" he grinned and Derek just grunted in response

Erica pulled Boyd up off the floor and sat next to Stiles almost on him, and Boyd sat next to her, this practically forced Stiles to move over and close the gap between him and Derek and Stiles scowled at Erica who leaned closer to him "keep the scowl and I'll kiss it off your face"

Derek head snapped in her direction and he growled startling Stiles and Erica quickly sat back up at the command of Dereks red eyes, Stiles patted Dereks thigh and squeezed it "jeez Sourwolf she was only joking" leaving his hand rested on Derek

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now