Pretty Girl-Zion

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Looking at the picture me and Zion took on our first date. The funny faces, this kisses, the smiles all flashing back in my mind. It was all fun and laughter. I don't understand what changed. How did we go from "you are literally so funny, I don't know how I ever live my life without you" and "you make me feel so free" to "I dont this this is working" and "we just don't fit"
I really don't get it.
Was it me?
Was I too much?
Was it because I was like one of the lads?
If it was then  I swear I could be a pretty girl. I'll wear a skirt for you and I could be a pretty girl. Shut up when you want me to and I could be a pretty girl. Won't ever make you blue and I could be a pretty girl. I'll lose myself in you.

It's funny, I didn't see it but now I do. I was so in love with you and we weren't even together. I'd fallen for you and now I feel such a fool.
What was I thinking?
I thought you were what I wanted.
Now I realise.
You were toxic because you made me think that I needed to be a pretty girl and wear a skirt for you. And I could be a pretty girl. Shut up when you want me to. And I could be a pretty girl. Won't ever make you blue. And I could be a pretty girl. I'll lose myself in you.

I did lose myself in you. Thinking I had to change to be yours. What a joke. If you couldn't accept me as I was then I'm glad we didn't start for real. I don't lose my head for no boy.
And I could be a pretty girl
I'll wear a skirt for you
And I could be a pretty girl
Shut up when you want me to
And I could be a pretty girl
Won't ever make you blue
And I could be a pretty girl
I'll lose myself in you

I could... but I won't.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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