Alive-Austin and Edwin

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You and Austin had been together for a good 7 months and you couldn't fault your relationship, he's was so sweet and kind. You loved him, but you weren't in love with him anymore. You used to be so you thought it would come back, so you stayed with him. The only problem is you liked Edwin. You didn't act on it purely out of respect for yours and Austin's relationship. One day though the boys all went home to visit there family except Edwin. You were ill in bed so you didn't go with Austin.
He left you a note as when he left you were asleep,

Baby, I've gone home, it won't be the same without you.,but get well soon and I'll FaceTime you later if your up for it?
Love you lots

Aww he was cute. You smiled almost staring to cry because you felt guilty. You laid their thinking, I should break it off with with him, out of respect to him and his feelings, I'm not going to ruin his time with his family though so when he comes back. Your heart sunk but you knew it was the best thing to do. A knock at the door interrupted your inner thoughts. Edwin walked through. "You look rough"
"Thanks" You scoffed in reply and you both laughed.
"I've been left in charge of looking after you while Austin's away" he smiled.
"You! Look after me! Do you even know how to look after yourself?" I laughed he did a joking offended face.
"Excuse me" he joked pretending to be butt hurt.
You both laughed for so long. You don't do that with Austin no more. Edwin made you feel alive again. "Is there anything you need?" He asked.
"Lowkey need a cuddle" you laughed not thinking he would oblige.
He laid next to you and put his arm around you and gestures to you to lay your head on his chest.
"You'll get ill" you said before you put his head on him.
"Ah well" he said and you laid your head on him. You could hear his heart beating and feel his chest moving that alone made you feel alive. It just felt right. You looked up at him and he looked down at you. You made eye contact and smiled at each other. You lift your head and turn your body towards him so your on your hands and knees facing him. He moves his head closer to yours, moving a strand of your hair from your face. You move your head closer to him as his lips connect with yours. It was magical, the kiss quickened pace. You were so into it you didn't hear the front door open and close and Austin walk into your guys room.
"(Y/n), Edwin?"
His voice started to shake as he walked out the room.

It's a short one but part 2????

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