Knox & Robbie - Forgiveness

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It was after six when Knox left the office and hopped in his car. He and Gloria agreed to meet for dinner at a low key Dominican restaurant near their old high school. It was less likely they'd run into anyone they knew from either of their professions so they'd be able to talk with relative ease. He arrived early, sent Robbie a text, then went into the establishment.

The waitress seated him in a vinyl booth near the back of the restaurant and handed him a menu. After he ordered his drink he sat back and took in the place. Low lighting and low playing Spanish rap set the casual and laid back tone. Tables filled the center of the room while booths aligned the two side walls and half of the back wall. Doors to the kitchen and bathrooms were to the other side of the back wall and the front wall were windows looking out to the parking lot. Where Knox was seated he could see the exact moment Gloria arrived.

He was bobbing to a called "Mi Gente" when Gloria's Mercedes pulled into the lot. He smoothed out his button down and stood as the waitress and Gloria approached the booth. Despite everything, he had a smile on his face and held out his hand. She gave a shaky smile and shook his hand before plopping down and scooting all the way into the corner of the booth. Knox chose to ignore her guarded behavior and sat down.

She looked tired judging by the dull look in her eyes. Her hair was down and she kept rubbing at her head as if she'd had it pulled up too tight. Knox unconciously reached up to loosen his hair tie a little. The waitress took their orders and hurried off to get their meal going.

Gloria found it difficult to look at Knox. He represented her greatest failure and regret. A dominant is entrusted with the mind, body, and soul of a submissive. It is their job to nurture, love, and protect that submissive. Not only had she failed to protect Knox, she'd failed to be there to nurture him back to health after their assault. Her family had reached out to her to help her heal after the ordeal and instead of bringing Knox along, she left him to deal on his own.

"So," Knox said cutting into her thoughts. "How have you been?"

She blinked at him for a moment. "Um...I've been okay. How bout yourself?"

"Things have been great. Finished up a bunch of briefs and case notes. I can take it easy this weekend for a change."

"That's great. Any plans?"

He shrugged and started folding the paper covering from his straw.  "Miracle and Emile are trying to get their last moments of fun in before the new babies come. More than likely I'll be dragged along."

"Really? That's weird."

"What is?"

"That you'd want know."  She waved her hand in the air.

His brows knitted together and he tilted his head in confusion.  "What?"

She sighed.  "Be around them when you can' know."

Understanding dawned on him.  "Oh. Honestly, the kids are like my own. Only I didn't give birth to them."

It was her turn to frown.  "How so?"

"I was there every step of the way when Miracle's first was born. From conception to graduation I've been there just about every step of the way for his and Emile's kids."

"I see."

The waitress brought their meals and they ate quietly for a few moments.  For whatever reason, Knox thought he'd be more nervous or upset in her presence.  However, he found himself in a state of calm.

"I have to apologize for my wife," Gloria said as they finished.  

Knox nodded and sipped his drink.  "She was rather hateful to someone she never met."

"That's my fault."


Gloria's eyes met his.  "I told her I didn't want to have kids."

Knox's mouth dropped open as his eyes widened. He was at a loss for words.

"I know, surprising."  She gave a one shoulder shrug.  "It's not like my stuff doesn't work."

He rubbed his chin.  "Then why?"

She pushed some rice around on her plate not meeting his eyes.  "After what I did to you I didn't feel I deserved to have kids. I've done everything short of sterilization to ensure I never do."

A low throbbing started in Knox's temples. He pulled the hair tie off and let his dark hair cascade around his face and shoulders. This was not what he'd expected. No wonder her wife hated him. To have something so close and yet so far away.

He sighed through his nose.  "Gloria, I just have one question."

"What is that?"

He sat up and looked dead into her eyes. "Why did you do it? Why did you abandon me? Was it because I was dirty and broken?"

Tears pricked the corners of Gloria's eyes as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "No. It was never you."

"Then why?"

"I was your dominant. When we joined the club and started our lessons the first thing they tell us is what our duties and responsibilities are as dominants to our subs."  She laughed bitterly.  "I failed each and every single one. I was so disgusted with myself I couldn't stand the sight of myself. Every time I thought about what they did to you, I felt more and more wretched.  I didn't deserve to be anyone's dominant so I ran away."

Knox gripped the table.

Her eyes drifted to the wall behind Knox's head.  "I was homeless for about nine – no- ten and a half months before my sister found me across the country. I messed with drugs.  Tried to kill myself.  Her and her husband rehabbed me and sent me to school."

"I see."

She shook her head coming back to the present.  "I kept telling myself to go see you and make things right but I just kept chickening out. Then business took off, I got married, yada yada."

He nodded. It never occurred that she'd had any sort of hardship like he did. After all, she'd left without looking back. But now he understood.

"You shouldn't punish your wife for something that had nothing to do with her."

Gloria frowned.

"If she wants your child, you should give it to her. I'm not suffering. You shouldn't punish her or continue to suffer."

"But, Knox-" her voice cut off as Knox placed his hand over hers on the table.

He met her gaze and smiled. "I forgive you."

The tears she'd been holding back broke free and ran down her cheeks. She covered her mouth to muffle her sobs. Knox squeezed her hand and stood from his seat. He slid into her side of the both and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face in his chest and shook in his embrace. He kissed the top of her head and spoke softly to her until she was all cried out.

"How can you forgive me so easily," she asked pulling away and wiping her eyes.

He handed her a napkin to dry her eyes. "It wasn't your fault. Even though you are a dominant and we're taught it's your job to protect subs, there was nothing you could do against that mob. Besides, you were hurt also."

"I left you."

"Meh.  You were eighteen. Still a kid. Though, I am mad you just left without any kind of note, phone call, email, not even a fuck you."

Gloria snorted.

He gave her a small smile.  "But I do understand."

She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

When he got home later that evening, he pampered his dom and showered him with love. When asked what was the occasion, he merely kissed Robbie on the lips and thanked him for being the greatest dominant in the world.

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