Chapter 25 - Allow Me to Introduce...

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We moved Donna, Miracle's mother, into the other guest room. She said she'd find a small apartment once she found a job but I insisted she stay. With Knox still going through his thing and Miracle due, soon, I needed as much help as I could get. Miracle was working from home for the company doing Skype meetings and such and doing college courses, but soon as the baby came he was on leave. So far she'd been with us a week and things were going well. Miracle enjoyed having her around and I think she enjoyed being of use.

I came home early one day to find her in the garden. She was crying and holding a crumpled sheet of paper. I sat next to her and hugged her as she cried. It hurt to see her and Miracle upset over that man. They were good people.

She pulled away and dried her eyes. "He was going to leave me."

I turned to look at her better.

"He's been with her for three years. They have a daughter. He was going to marry Teegan off so he could afford to break the bond and start over with her."

I was speechless. Miracle told me he saw his father with this woman but I doubt he knew even that part. "What happens next?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. Since I was eighteen all I've known is him and my children."

I squeezed her hand.  I can't imagine what it would be like to give your all to your bondmate and children to wake up one day and have to start all over.  "Well I know we'll need you for a while. Would you consider getting paid for watching the baby when Miracle goes back to work?"

She shook her head.  "I couldn't do that."

Miracle is so much like her.  Strong work ethics, strong sense of responsibility, all about family.  I smiled.  "What will you accept?"

"How about-?"

Miracle's voice cut us off.  "Lorde!"

It sounded pained.  Donna and I looked at each other then ran inside the house. Miracle had his head leaning against the fridge holding his stomach. I quickly ran over to him and put my arm around his waist. It was then I noticed he was panting hard.

I placed small kisses on his face.  "What's wrong?"

He bunched up my shirt in his fist and leaned heavily on me.  "B-Baby's c-comin. Ahhh! Shit!"

I scooped him up in my arms and told Donna to get Knox and Miracle's overnight bag that was packed by the door. I quickly took him to the truck and strapped him in. I adjusted the seat so he'd be more comfortable then climbed in. As the truck came to life, Donna showed up.

"Where's Knox?" I asked Donna.

She shut the door and strapped in.  "He was sleep."


Miracle put both hands on his stomach. "Lorde!"

I backed the truck out and took off for the hospital. I held his hand as he panted heavily. "Breathe, baby."

He grit his teeth. "Oh my god, it hurts!"

I kissed the back of his hand. "Keep breathing. You got this."

He groaned as another contraction came. They were so close together it made me wonder how long he's been in labor .


"Y-yes?" he panted.

"How long have you been in labor?"

"S-since this m-morn...ahhhhhh! Shit!"

I rubbed his thigh.  "Hold on, baby. Almost there."

"W-water broke hour a-ago." He groaned and squeezed my hand. His hair was sticking to his sweaty face and his eyes were glazed over.

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