Chapter 13 - No Messing Around

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 Miracle took the news about my early graduation and the company fairly well. He may not remember but both were his idea. Back in our sophomore year he said that with my grades and high GPA I was wasting my time and should just finish out school online and take college courses. So I did.

But I didn't want to leave my best friend I'd been crushing on for two years behind so I spoke with my father and he worked something out with the school. My junior and senior year I tutored other kids, which was why Miracle and I didn't have the same classes during the day, and worked on my business degree. My sophomore year I developed an app and used the money to start a game development company. With my dad's connections I got clients overseas. I've been a multi-millionare for some time now. College was a formality.

With many of his fears set aside, he only needed to focus on school and college and delivering our baby healthy. I gave our mothers some guidelines for the bonding ceremony and let them go to town. They enjoy that sort of thing. Miracle and I are the type to just show up and do our part. The house would be ready for us after the honeymoon. Miracle just had to choose from one of four that were being built.

I also got rid of all the super macho magazines and catalogues and instead had a bunch of home décor, furniture, baby, and magazines catered at male submissives. I knew that he still felt inferior from time to time due to his standing so I tried to give him power over whatever I could. He tried to pretend he wasn't interested in decorating our home a certain way or having a particular piece of furniture in the baby's nursery. The dog-eared pages and items circled in pen told a different story.

I called his two sisters and asked them to take Miracle to two stores: the furniture store and the baby store. I wanted them to take Miracle and have him give his opinion and try out furniture. Whatever he chose was going into our new home. He has great taste so I wasn't concerned. And he's frugal so I knew he wouldn't try to bankrupt me. The plan was for them to pick him up after school. What's that saying about the best laid plans?

I was preparing for a Skype meeting when the front door burst open and Miracle came storming in with Milton behind him. Miracle was cussing up a storm and throwing stuff around. He walked passed me into the kitchen and yanked open the freezer. He grabbed some frozen corn and put it on his face. He was so far gone, he didn't see me after passing by me twice.

Milton saw me sitting at the dining room table with my laptop and froze. All the color drained into his red converse. Miracle finally noticed me and began to cry. He crawled into my lap and buried his face in my shoulder. I was perplexed. Miracle never behaved like this. Maybe it was hormones.

I stroked his back and kissed him softly. "Miracle, what's wrong?"

"Fucking Lex and his friends!" he wailed.

I looked at Milton. Miracle was going to be useless right now. "Explanation?"

"They cornered Tee and began harassing him as usual. Then they started to threaten him. He tried to walk off and someone sucker punched him."

"What?!" I pulled his face up and examined the bruise. It was turning colors and beginning to swell.

"That little twink Scarlet was there too egging them on," Miracle sniffed.

Scarlet. What a nightmare. I had played with Scarlet one time at the club over a year ago. It was stated beforehand it was a one time thing. After his session, he became obsessed and insisted he was my sub despite how many times I shut him down privately and publicly. He was also extremely jealous of Miracle and I's relationship as friends and now as bond mates.

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