It All Came Crashing Down

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Every year the school runs tests during physicals for all students 18 years of age. Every year counselors would be on hand to assist. Every year I never worried. I was tall, handsome, smart and athletic. I had all the qualities a male dominant stud required. They were given the best of the best of everything next to female dominant studs. I was going places. I was going to be someone. My future was set.

It all came crashing down that fateful day in August three weeks after the start of the school year. All my hopes, my dreams, my aspirations went up in flames with two little words. All I could do was sink to my knees and cry. I wasn't alone. There were lots of tears. Who wouldn't cry? We were so sure and yet so wrong. I knew I'd be looked at different by my team, my friends, my family.

And why not? I was different from all of them. A line of proud dominant studs. All of them- with the exception of mom- including my sisters. I was the only one. I looked at the paper one more time and felt new tears surge down my cheeks. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and I pressed my face into the full breasts of my friend, Emile, who also received shocking news. No matter how much we cried the words on the paper were already transmitted to our parents and would follow us the rest of our lives.

Name: Teegan M. Davis          Age: 18       Grade: 12

Gender: Male.

Standing: Submissive. Queen.

I thanked the heavens above for small mercies. It was Friday and we had gotten our results the last period of the day. From there we were dismissed to go home. The lot was mostly empty and my best friend, Lorde, had gone home early after he found out his results. The fucking bastard. He had what I wanted.

Male. Dominant. Stud.

My best friend.

Not that it was surprising. He was tall, dark, and handsome. He had these playful dark brown eyes and smooth chocolate skin. He had soft pink lips and gorgeous straight white teeth. He was 6'4 270lbs of chiseled muscular jock. He was captain of the football team and vice captain of the soccer team. He ran track in the spring. I asked him why he played so many sports and to put it simply, he said he needed to do something with all his extra energy. Due to his parents being diplomats he was refined, spoke three other languages, and knew several forms of hand to hand combat. He was always traveling with them sometimes dragging me along. He was perfect. I've been low key crushing and fantasizing over him for two years.

He would stand back and let me take center stage. I was an extroverted social butterfly sort. I would drag him to parties all the time. I was shorter than he was only 5'9 and heavy for my height at 190 because of sports and mom's cheesecake. I had curly black hair, light grey eyes and peachy colored skin. I always acted like a tough guy but if he commanded it, I'd submit to him but him alone. Anyone else would have a fight on their hands.

As I sat in my driveway looking at my house, all I could think of was what wold Lorde think?  On some level I have always been denying the truth about who and what I am. Probably because MSQ's aren't nicely treated.  It made me sick to think of how my best friend would view me.  Would he look down on me?  Treat me like I was weak and pathetic?  My siblings were always protective of me.  I knew they'd treat me right.  Would I be a disappointment to my parents?

I must have been outside for a while because there was a knock on the car window. My mom looked at me with a soft look in her eyes and I opened the door.

"Mommy?" I couldn't say anymore as I broke down. My mother leaned in and wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed into her blouse. She kissed my head and tried to reassure me that everything would be alright. She told me I was still the same. I was her strong, loving, beautiful baby. That she would always love me. My family would always love me and they wouldn't let anything or anybody hurt me.

That night at dinner, my brothers and sisters tried spinning it positively. I only half listened.  They were all dominant and studs. How could they possibly know how I felt? The only one that would understand was mom and maybe my sister's wife-Eleanor but we hated each other. 

 My dad walked in and greeted everyone individually with a smile until his eyes landed on me. My smile dropped and I looked down at the table. He was disappointed. Nobody said anything for a while. The tension was so thick it was indescribable. I wanted to disappear.  I wiped a tear off my cheek and stood.

"Sit. Down."

"Dad-" I began.

He clenched his teeth. "Now."

Mom jumped in trying to diffuse his temper. "Trevor, don't –"

"You stay out of this!" he snapped pointing at her.

I got angry. "Don't talk to mom like that."

Her blue eyes swam with tears as she looked back and forth between us. "There's nothing wrong with him."

"He's a queen!" He exploded. "All my kids are studs! What is this?!" he yelled pointing at me.

"Someone has to carry the stud's babies," she protested. My heart crumbled. My own father felt like queens were worthless. An argument broke out between my father and brothers. My older sister, Tara, pulled me into her side and lead me out o f the room as I began to cry. She took me into my room and held me tightly as I cried myself to sleep.

I awoke the next morning tired and just so done with life. My father hated me. I was his favorite before yesterday and he looked at me like I was garbage. Would Lorde treat me that way?

Of course he would. Why wouldn't he?  I was so pathetic.  I freaking cried myself to sleep.  How fucking manly.

As if he heard my thoughts, my phone buzzed with a text message from Lorde. I read it then put the phone on the stand. I couldn't face him. Not yet. I couldn't face anyone. I hid from my family in my room for all of Saturday and Sunday. Monday morning my brother Tyron, who is one year younger, picked the lock to my bedroom door and my older brothers Xavier and Zylan manhandled me out of my clothes and into the shower. The bastards even dressed me and shuffled me down the stairs.

"This isn't a death sentence," Tyron shoved me into my jacket as Zylan handed me my lunch.

"And you will finish school,"

" and go to college," Xavier replied.

Tara put my keys in my hand. " and be amazing."

My other sister Collie opened the door and pushed me out. "Do you understand?"

I looked at my five siblings with tears in my eyes and just nodded gratefully. Even if my dad was disappointed in me I still had them and my mother. With new confidence, I jumped in the car and drove to school. I turned the radio on and sung You are Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. I snorted.  What fucking timing.  

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