Chapter 26 - Matters of Life and Death

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***Possible trigger- ***

10/19/2018 - Please read author's note at the end

I left the hospital in the wee hours of the morning with Milton to go home. Emile dropped by to check on Knox and said he was moving around in his room until around midnight. She said after that she heard nothing so we assumed he was asleep. I couldn't shake the nagging feeling in my gut. When I explained it to Milton, he suggested we go in and take the door off the hinges.

When we pulled up to the house, the light was on in Knox's room. I thought Emile said he was sleep.

Milton voiced my thought.  "Emile said he was sleep."

I swear sometimes he's psychic. I nodded. "I don't like this."

We hurried out the car and I opened the door. Emile was sleeping in Donna's room since she was at the hospital and woke up when we came up the stairs. Wiping sleep out of her eyes, she followed us down the hall. As I stood outside his door my heart thundered in my chest. I pressed my ear against the door but didn't hear anything.

"Knox, it's Lorde. Open the door."

Nothing. I looked behind me. Milton was frowning.

I knocked louder. "Knox! Open the door we need to talk!" Still nothing. I palm struck the door rattling it in its frame. I saw Emile flinch out the corner of my eye. "Knox, I'm breaking the door!" I took a few steps back then did a side kick using as much force as I could gather near the door lock. The door burst open tearing part of the frame.

Knox was lying face down on the bed not moving. His light blue duvet was turning dark red. Emile screamed and Milton yelled at her to call 911 while he and I turned him over. His eyes were open but not moving and there was white foam around his mouth. Milton held up an empty bottle of pills and a bottle of gin. I yanked the string off my hoodie, cut it in half with my pocket knife, and tied them tightly around his wrists, careful of where he made the cuts, trying to cut off the circulation.

Milton put two fingers in his mouth trying to make Knox vomit.

I tried to stop him. "I don't think-"

It was too late. There was a gagging sound and Knox heaved all over the bed. The smell was...let's just say I have an ironclad stomach and I wanted to vomit. It seemed to go on forever before he started coughing.  At least he was awake. I started talking to him to keep him awake.  I was so focused on Knox I didn't hear the sirens approach or the men thundering up the stairs until Milton touched my shoulder.

He motioned for me to go with the ambulance and said he and Emile would clean up and come with my car later. The whole ride it dawned on me. I had held life and death in my hands in less than 24 hours. I brought my baby girl in and had to help bring one of my friends back. I looked at my blood covered hands and clenched them tightly together.

We arrived at Hope Haven in record time. They whisked Knox off to pump his stomach and do assessments. I was informed he was going to be on suicide watch for 72 hours. I text Donna and told her what happened in case Miracle woke up but told her to tell him Knox was sick. Then I asked Master Eros and Andace to come by. Emile brought me clean clothes so I cleaned up then went to see Miracle and my little princess.

Miracle thumped my nose jarring me from my thoughts. "Daddy, are you okay?"

I looked down and met his worried stormy eyes. "I'm fine, baby. Why?"

He gave me the 'do I look stupid to you' look. "Lorde, how long have we known each other?"

"Hmm...fifteen years now?"

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