Knox & Robbie - Special Gift

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 Knox rolled onto his back and opened his eyes. It was still dark in the room and only the sliver of light from under the bathroom door was visible. Glancing at the clock, he let out a sigh. He was exhausted.  Miracle and Emile had him out shopping for more baby things all day then dragged him to dinner and a movie.  For pregnant people, they had a shit ton of energy.  They didn't get home until after nine.  

He rolled to his side and tried to go back to sleep but his brain had other plans as it began going over all the things he had to do. But why was he thinking of his office? It was Saturday.  He didn't have to be back to the office until Tuesday.  He rolled to his other side to snuggle up to his husband. His lips turned down to a frown as he made out the empty spot on Robbie's side of the bed.

He pushed his dark hair out of his face as he sat up. "Robbie?"

Soft footsteps padded down the hall outside his room and he heard Robbie's voice. "He just woke up. We'll be right there."

Knox was fully awake now. He threw the covers off himself and switched on the bedside lamp as Robbie entered the room.

"Hey, you," Robbie smiled going to the closet. "Get up."

"What's going on?"

Robbie shoved his arms into a plaid button down and grabbed some jeans. "Miracle and Emile decided to have their babies."

Knox's eyes bugged out of his head. "At the same time!?"

"Yeah, come on."

They barely adhered to the speed limit as they made their way to the hospital. Robbie hastily parked and they made their way inside. Though brimming with excitement, when they entered the room, they were quiet and subdued. Miracle and Emile were sitting up in their beds with little bundles in their arms and smiled brightly when Robbie and Knox came in. Lorde and Milton were standing to the side talking and gave them brief nods.

"Hurry up. Come in, come in," Miracle urged waving his hand. Milton and Lorde stopped talking and brought a reclining chair setting it down between the two beds. Robbie sat Knox in it and helped him recline. Lorde took the baby from Miracle and handed it to Knox while Milton took Emile's bundle and did the same.

Knox looked back and forth between the two queens. "Geez, you two. Don't you think you're taking the competition thing too far?"

They both laughed softly.

"Miracle had another girl and Emile had another boy," Milton stated proudly.

"Wow, lookit them," Knox breathed in awe. "They are so cute." He noted the black hair of Emile and Milton's little one and frowned slightly. Emile had brown hair and Milton was a dirty blonde.

"Where'd he get this dark hair from?" he asked Milton. "This the milkman's baby?"

Milton chuckled and took Emile's hand. "Nah."

Knox's eyes went back and forth between Miracle, Lorde, and the little one in his arms. "And, Miracle. Ain't this one a little whiter than the rest? Shouldn't she be darker like her siblings?"

Miracle tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and shrugged nonchalantly. "She would be."

Knox cooed down at the sweet little girl as she yawned. "What do you mean 'she would be'?"

Miracle shared a look with Lorde.  "She would be darker if..she was ours."

"If she was..." Knox looked up, brown eyes meeting grey in confusion. "What are you saying? Who else made and gave birth to her?"

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