This is a Setup

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In mid May we were at my parents' finalizing the bond ceremony between Andace and Lemon. Reese was still lingering around mooching off my family. I don't know why this fucker does these things. He's not broke. He needs some fucking hobbies or something. Or maybe he feels deprived because his parents are always off not giving him attention.

He was being a major pain in the dick during the suit fittings. He kept hitting on Miracle who would have caved his skull in with my bat if my dad hadn't come into the room at that moment. I spoke with Milton about the problem at our monthly meeting at the club. We were at the bar drinking when Scarlet and Lex walked by with trays. Milton grabbed my arm.

"That's it!"

I nearly choked on my drink.  "What? What's it?"

He got this mischievous twinkle in his eyes.  "Set him up with a sub."

I processed what he said then scrolled through my memory of all the un-partnered subs that I knew.  I drew a blank.  Groaning, I rolling my eyes.  "Who deserves that kind of torture?"

Milton snorted. "How bout Scarlet?"

I raised an eyebrow.

He ran a hand through his fluffy dirty blonde hair. "Think about it. They both have over-inflated egos. They are both self-centered. They are both troublemakers and have made Tee miserable at some point.  Why not?"

I rubbed my chin. That actually made a lot of sense. I texted Miracle to get his input. A few minutes passed before he sent me a video clip. It was of him and Knox cracking up laughing rolling around on the bed. I rolled my eyes. Buncha wise-asses. I showed Milton and he spit his drink out and started laughing. I asked Andace and she had the same reaction but said go for it.

I watched Scarlet as he went about his duties. He was pale skinned about 5'5 120 lbs. He had candy apple red dyed hair that was cut framing his face and twinkling blue eyes. He was shirtless showing off his pierced nipples and belly button, dressed in black boy shorts-which in my opinion should only be worn if you actually have an ass. He was passable as far as looks. He wasn't even in the same league as Miracle, though.

I approached him on his next pass. "A moment of your time, Scarlet."

His blue eyes looked at the floor. "M'Lorde, how can I help you?"

I tried to act apologetic.  "I know things got a little bad between us but I'd like to make it up to you."

He blushed. "That's not necessary, M'Lorde. Most of that was brought on by myself. I can't apologise enough."

"How bout you do me a favor then and we call it even?"

His eyes shot up to meet mine. "What's that, M'Lorde?"

"Come as a guest to my sister's bond ceremony."

He gasped. "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

A huge smile lit up his face then it disappeared.  "What about Miracle?"

"He's okay with it."  It's funny.  He thought I was stepping out on my love.

He nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"I'll text you the details later." I walked over to Milton and slapped him on the back. "Stage one-complete."

Andace's bond ceremony was in between Mother's day and Memorial Day. It was held at a beautiful garden. She wore a purple goddess style gown with gold trim and Lemon wore a pale yellow goddess style gown. I made sure to sit Scarlet near the front so he'd be visible to Reese who was with us at the altar.

He Chose Me (mxm, mpreg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant