Special pt 1

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Upon opening his eyes the first thing that registered was the brightness of the room. The second thing that registered was the intensity of the heat. With a groan, he rolled over onto his back. He had overslept and the sun was creeping up towards noon.

'Why didn't Robbie wake me?'  Was the first thought in his mind as he forced his leaden arms to push himself up. The pull on his back muscles and the ache in his backside made him moan softly and he flopped back onto the bed. 'That's why. He was too busy reaming my ass last night until I passed out. Stupid bastard decided to take pity on me.'

He huffed and propped himself up on his elbows while yelling at the top of his lungs. "Robbie!!!!" Mentally he cursed the man's entire lineage back to the stone age as he waited for his husband to come to their bedroom. Whoever said sex declined with age did not know fifty-two year old Robert Jun Tracy very well.

'Or maybe the man was just an oddity,' he huffed as the door slid open. A smile lifted the corners of his lips as the sexiest man on two feet raised an eyebrow at him.

"You called, your grace."

"Robbie," he whined. "You broke me."

Robbie chuckled as he approached his over-dramatic husband on the bed. "I broke you, eh?"


"Guess I'll have to put you back together then, huh?"

"Please."  He ran a hand over his husband's muscular bicep and fluttered his lashes.

Robbie leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose.  "If you do that, I might break you more."

"You promise, daddy?"

"You're playing with fire, little birdie," Robbie's lips were a mere centimeter away. 

"I like the burn." Just as their lips touched, the phone rang. Robbie chuckled as his lover flopped back with a groan.  The older man ignored him and answered the phone.

"Hey, Emile...No...Lazy pants is right here still in the bed...Yeah, I'll tell him...give him an hour to get pretty...Okay...Bye."

"That was Emile?"

"Yes, she said get up you have to go baby shopping."

"I don't wanna."  He rolled onto his side with the pillow over his head.

Robbie rubbed his hip and kissed his bare shoulder.  "Come on now. Be a good friend."

"I don't wanna."


"It just...hurts. They're all having babies and I can't."

Robbie felt his chest constrict as his young husband's eyes filled with tears. Every fiber in his being wanted to seek out those that hurt his beloved and tear them apart for what they did to him. It was not to be, however. Someone already meted out justice before he came into the picture. He gathered the younger in his arms and pressed soft kisses all over his face.

"Knox, baby. It's all right. I already told you I was content with just you. It can be just the two of us."

"Don't you ever desire to have your own child? A mini-you running around. Someone to pass down your experiences to. Someone to nurture."

Robbie shrugged noncommittally.  "I do. But you carrying one isn't necessary. I've always said we could adopt."

Knox pulled away with a groan and forced himself out of bed. They'd had the "adoption is an option" conversation over a dozen times. Robbie was all for it. Knox wanted his child to be biologically theirs. With his damaged organs there was no way that would be possible.

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