Chapter 9 - Haters Gonna Hate

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Tuesday we got up and out earlier because we didn't do anything but sleep the night before. We talked about the rules and expectations at dinner and they weren't as extreme as I expected. We also added a clause in our contract where we can add and remove things after we've discussed it. When we arrived at school, he told me he had some stuff to do so he'd see me at lunch. I forgot I had the ring on until one of the really obnoxious basketball players asked me about it in gym.

"What's that you got there, Tee-tee?"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Whats it look like, moron? It's a bond promise ring," my friend Scilene retorted matter of factly. Scilene was one of few doms who didn't give two shits about doms/subs, studs/queens. And he hated highschool and all its cliques.

Jake frowned. "Only subs get bond promise rings."

I rolled my eyes. Not true. Some doms, like Lorde, wear them too. But who am I to correct dumb doms. "And?"

"You a sub, Tee-tee?"

I smirked. This guy was dumb and slow as the day is long. "Does it matter? I'll still wipe the floor with your sorry ass in any sport."

Jake tried to flex his muscle. "Watch it, sub."

I scoffed at this. First, I never said I was a sub. Assumptions. Second, for the last two years this sleaze has been following in my wake riding my popularity trying to raise his own stock. "I may or may not be a sub but I'm not your sub. You have no power over me."

"Respect your superiors, cunt."

The fuck?! I shut the locker and looked him square in the face. This bitch forgot I dusted his ass on the court and track more times than I could count. The fact he was trying to play me in front of all these people was laughable. "When you become superior, let me know." With that I walked off. Who did this bitch think I was? Better fucking recognize. He was going to get knocked the fuck out.

By lunch I just wanted to leave. I was ready to kill someone. Due to the highschool and social media grapevine, everyone "knew" that I was a submissive by the time the first lunchwave hit. They rumored I was also a queen. I confirmed nor denied it. Other submissives were looking at me like I was some sort of idol. Dominants wanted to try me. I had to shut people down-fast and hard. Even my own teammates from football and soccer tried it. When Lorde and our other friend, Milton, finally arrived, I had one of the doms from soccer pinned against the vending machine shitting bricks.

Milton looked between me and Lex. "Tee, whats going on?"

I dropped Lex and Lorde pulled me back. "A bunch of doms around here think they can go bossing around other people's submissives and said submissives won't fight back."

Lorde lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. I shivered at the intensity in his eyes. "Did he touch you?"


Lex patted Lorde on the shoulder and tried to laugh it off. He's another Jake. A nobody trying to make himself look like something big. "What's the big deal, Lorde? It's not like he's yours."

Lorde's eyes were cold and his voice dark. "Actually, that's exactly what it's like."

Lex looked back and forth from me to Lorde. "Wh-what?"

"Teegan belongs to me." He held up our hands showing our matching bands. I smiled in satisfaction as several of my tormentors went pale. Lorde's not a little dude by any means. He's 6'4 and built like a fucking tank. His muscles have muscles. Fucking bastard. Plus he does MMA. He's got the trophies to show he's no bitch. Nobody messes with him. Lorde taught me a bit and we spar from time to time so I can hold my own. But in that moment, I was content to let him handle it.

Lorde looked around the cafeteria. "Anyone else that bothers Teegan will have to deal with me."

He laced our fingers together and headed out. Then he turned to the jocks. "I suggest you leave all subs alone unless they belong to you. You never know who's like Tee and can kick ass back."

There was a round of thundering applause as we walked out of the cafeteria and to the lockers. He told me to get my things and we left. We got lunch because we never ate and dropped Milton off. Then we went back to Lorde's house.

His parents were away and his sister was with her prey. I was so turned on watching my man handle business in the cafeteria. I blew him in the car and we had a sex-a-thon that started at the door and ended upstairs in his bedroom sometime near midnight. I ached in a good way and I snuggled into my dom's embrace knowing he'd be there to keep me safe and offer me comfort and love me unconditionally.

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