Chapter 24 - Pawns Belong in Chess

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I rolled my eyes and looked at the phone. My mother kept ranting on in the background. She was really laying it on thick today. I wasn't really feeling any of it but I can't really hold out from her.

"Teeeeegaaaaaan," she whined.

Christ almighty! I rubbed my temple. "Mommy, please."

I could see her pout on the other end. "I just feel like we've done nothing for you. You're still our family and we haven't seen you."

"We all know why that is," I said dryly.

She sighed. "I know. But consider something small. Just our families."

I was quiet.  He would be there.  I was not looking forward to it.

"We used to be so close," she lamented.  "You spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New years there. None of us have celebrated our birthdays as a family since you moved out. Now the baby's coming. You're drifting away from us."

"Actually, I was outcast with no lifeline," I corrected. No way was this Lorde's or my doing.  Donna Davis was NOT about to lay blame at my doorstep.  Nope.  No way.  Nein.

She began to sob and I mentally cursed myself. She was only asking for a small dinner that would serve as a baby shower of sorts from my side of the family. A few hours wouldn't hurt.  That's all she was asking.  Guilt is a mutherfucker. I sighed heavily. "Okay, mommy."

The tears stopped immediately. "Okay so..."

I facepalmed. I fell for it again! This woman was goooood. I listened to her plan for the shower and promised to tell Lorde and his family. It was already the first of July and it was hot as the Mohave Desert. The baby was due end of the month. I had managed to finish 24 credits of the required 36 for my degree. After the baby was born I'd finish the rest. I was still on the fence about pursuing the bachelor and masters. Lorde assured me I had plenty of time to decide and to just focus on the baby.

And Knox.

Gloria started pulling away from him before Andace's bond ceremony. I thought this was pretty shitty of her especially since he got hurt trying to protect her. Maybe it was guilt eating at her or maybe she questioned her ability to be a good dominant. Whatever the case, he began to withdraw into himself more. He would bathe and eat but I couldn't get him out of the room for more than half an hour at a time. I did get him graduated in spite of it all.

I was in the kitchen nervously chopping vegetables for dinner. Everything that has happened between me and my father this last year swirled around my head. I went from being his favorite to being the most hated all over something I had no control over. It didn't make any damn sense. You cast your miracle child out like garbage for nothing.

Why am I the miracle child? My parents were sort of old when I was conceived. I'm told mom was going through the 'change of life'. Apparently, they were still fertile as fuck. But there were tons of complications with the pregnancy. I was born early and had to stay in the NICU. They were told I had a 30% chance of survival and if I did, I'd have severe issues developmentally and physically.

But I survived. The only issues I had were horrendous vision and chunkiness as a child. With thick corrective lenses my vision improved. In middle school I started sports so some of the fat turned into muscle. I'm not as tall as my siblings but I'm not as short as my mom. I've always been a hard worker and studious student. I wasn't a 4.0 student but I never made less than a B-.

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