Chapter 12- Blindsided

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It was mid December. The dizziness and nausea I had been feeling from late October seemed to calm down a bit.  Soccer was in full swing.  Lorde and I were gearing up for our last soccer game before Christmas break. The game was against our rivals from a military school. They were a good team but shitty sportsmen. They liked to belittle players and talk shit when they won.  Irritating.

Lorde was still acting like a mother hen but had calmed down a bit since I was still playing like nothing was wrong.  We were in the second half of our game and a wave of dizziness and nausea washed over me at once. I was so out of it I didn't see the ball that ended up hitting me square in the face causing me to take a nap in the middle of the soccer field.

When I woke up, I heard a beeping noise and some voices. The smell of sanitizer and bleach assaulted my nose. When I opened my eyes, I saw Lorde and my mother holding hands at my side. They looked beyond worried.  My siblings were by the window and Lorde's parents were sitting on a small sofa. Lorde smiled at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

My mom squeezed my hand. "Hey, you. How do you feel?"

I felt so tired. "Like I got run over. What happened?"

"You took a nasty shot to the head and passed out," Lorde said quietly.

My eyes widened. I'd taken head shots before.  It's soccer, who hasn't?  But I've never passed out.  "Seriously?"

My mom nodded. Just then the door opened and a man in a long white coat came in.

"Hi, Teegan. I'm Doctor Bledsoe. Do you know what happened?"

"I got hit with a ball and fainted?" I asked.

"Mmhm." He nodded as he checked me over. "Did you feel anything before? Nausea? Dizziness? Sensitivity to smells?"

I looked over at Lorde. "The smell thing happens when I'm around food or perfumes. But the nausea and dizziness happens few times a day," I stated.

"How long has this been going on?"

"A month or so?" I looked at Lorde for confirmation and he nodded in agreement.

Dr. Bledsoe scanned some papers in folder. "That's about right." He closed his folder and smiled at me. "Our tests show you're pregnant."

You could hear the air get sucked out of the room. My eyes grew wide. Did he just...?

"About two months along," he continued.

Two months? That means I got pregnant in October. I gasped. I was pregnant during football and soccer?!  I could have miscarried our baby! I looked at Lorde with wide eyes.

As if he was tip-toeing inside my thoughts, Dr. Bledsoe replied. "Surprisingly, even with all the rough sports, your baby seems to be healthy."

Lorde, that bastard, was smiling. Big ol' shit eating 'look what I did' smile. "Lorde?"

He grabbed me into a bone crushing hug. Next thing I knew, I was fighting for oxygen. Everyone was hugging me at once. Once they pulled away they began talking all at once. Bond ceremony this, baby that. Registries. Online classes. There was a whirlwind of activity I couldn't keep up with so I focused on Lorde instead. He bent down and kissed me softly.

"I fall in love with you more and more," he murmured sweetly.

I pinched his cheek. "Sweet talker."

"I'm serious. I've loved you since eighth grade." He ran his hand through my curls tugging lightly. "I never thought you'd be mine."

"We have a lot to talk about, huh?"

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