88. Native Symbols

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I enter the house and I overhear a conversation.
"It's over, Rebekah." I hear Elijah's voice say to Rebekah
"Where's mother?"
"We have no mother, Only Esther, and Esther was right." I walk inside the room and look at Elijah
"What do you mean?"
"Although I talk of virtue, when it suits my needs, I kill, maim, and torment. Even today, I terrorized an innocent."
"Elena is hardly innocent." Rebekah snapped
"And I used your hatred of her to get what I wanted... wielded you like I would a sword, my sister."
"You did it to protect us, Elijah, and rightly so. We deserve to live. We are better than they are."
"Are we?" I snap and Elijah finishes
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves. The only one that didn't abuse it is you, Cassandra." I sigh and Elijah leaves the room and I go to the room I heard noises
"I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol's fled. Esther and Finn are gone, too. I have no idea what Cassandra is planning to do." I overhear Nick talk to Rebekah who entered the room right before me.
"I hated you when I learned you killed our mother, but I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me."
"Well, aren't we a pair?" Nick says sarcastically
"There's something I think you need to see." I hear Rebekah's voice tremble; Something's happening
"Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?"
"Look at the images on the wall behind Elena. The natives told the story of our family history. Look at the images on the far wall."
"What is it?"
"A native worshiping at the white oak tree." My breath is caught in my throat. I saw the ashes from far
"We burnt that tree to the ground." Nick said, not interested
"Look at the markings that precede it. That's the native calendar."
"This can't be right."
"A white oak tree 300 years after we fled back to the old world. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us. It's not over, Nick." I run home. There's a way to kill us. I have no idea what I should do about it. I take my phone and I dial Stiles' phone, but I get to the answering machine. He's probably asleep. I would if I could. I dial Scott's number
"No, sorry, Scott. Just me. Can I talk to you?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, Cass." His excitement was gone
"I know it's late, but can I talk to you?"
"Did something happen?"
"You can say that." I did my story over the phone and he didn't interrupted me once.
"That's a lot, Cass."
"Yeah, I know, but the worst thing has to come. I told you about the White Oak tree, right?"
"Yeah, the only thing to kill you until your mother came, right?"
"Yeah and you know my siblings burned it down from the moment they found out, right?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"It's been replaced."
"What do you mean replaced."
"I mean there's a new White Oak tree."
"A new way to kill you? Cass, you need to come back right now."
"I can't, Scott. I need to fix this first."
"Remember your promise, Cass. Back before school. You can't do that if you're dead."
"I know and don't worry. I'm not planning on breaking it. See you after summer."
"I see you back after summer. Alive!" I stop the call and I lay back in my bed and darkness consumes me.

The next day breaks and I finally get out my bed. I go to the Grill and I see Rebekah sitting at a table and I join her
"Hey, Rebekah. Are you still mad or are you ready to forgive me?" She sighs and looks at me
"No, now that all the others are leaving, I need your help."
"With what?"
"We have a problem.. She takes a napkin and a pen and writes down
There's another White Oak tree
"I know."
"You know?!"
"Yeah, I kinda overheard you talk to Nick. I'm sorry." She glared at me.
"I asked Carol Lockwood to come. Maybe she knows more about it."
"Good plan."
"I know. Wisdom over years, right." She joked and I laughed, but when Carol walked inside I got up
"I'll leave the two of you alone." I smile and I walked to the bar
"Join me after." I say and I walk over to the bar and I order my drink. Damon and Stefan sat beside me
"Well, hello, Cassandra. Didn't think we should see you here." Damon said
"Where's our usual drinking partner? With his lady friend?"
"No, his lady friend got him in jail."
"Really? Not a good thing."
"I didn't get the chance to talk to him in private. It can take a while until I can, care to tell me what ever you told him?"
"Nope. Not really, but I can assure you it's juicy." I smirk
"What's that between the two of you?"
"Rick knows something about her, but she doesn't want to spill."
"Just ask Rick."
"It's about a vampire, I can't just ask him something there. We don't know what's being taped and what isn't."
"Too bad. I hope he's out soon for you, Damon." Damon glares and looks at Stefan
"So what does the Cal examiner, Bill Forbes, and Alaric Saltzman have in common?" Stefan keeps hitting the table with his ring. He's been doing the whole time.
"Come on. Knock it off." Damon says and Stefan takes his glass instead
"You know, quitting blood cold Turkey after a ripper binge, probably not the best approach. Every time you play that all-or-nothing game, you eventually leave a trail of bodies, so I'm thinking now's a good time to pay our old friend moderation a visit."
"They were all on the founders council, Damon. That's what they have in common." Nice change the subject, Stefan. I take the bottle and I pour myself a drink as well
"But why them, huh? Brian Walters and Alaric weren't from founding families. I mean, hey, if you gotta slaughter council members, go a-list. At least in 1912, they killed a Salvatore."
"Which Salvatore would that be?" Rebekah says standing behind us
"Why are you looking so surprised, Cassandra? You're the one that told me to come join you."
"Yeah, I did. You don't have to remember."
"Anyway, what Salvatore are you talking about?" They did their story
"So Zachariah Salvatore was your nephew?" Rebekah is acting strange. She doesn't care a bit about the Salvatore family.
"Well, our father knocked up one of the maids during the civil war. She had a son. But as far as everyone else knew, Stefan and I were dead. Family name had to go somewhere."
"And, uh, your family owned the logging mills back then." Oh, that's what this is about...
"You're full of a lot of questions."
"I'm just researching the town history. We grew up here, after all." She looked at me when she said 'we' and my insides where screaming
"You know, you don't have to disguise your true motives. Blondie bex. If you want more sex, just ask for it." I had to hold my laugh. They had sex? He's the one she came back from after the ball! Kol was right, what a scandal!
"Not enough liquor in the world."
"Oh, come on. It was too good for you to be this hostile." Stefan's tired of this and leaves with the bottle while I find this rather amusing
"You'll have to excuse my little brother. He's consing for some o-positive."
"I'm not consing."
"So they never catch the killer?" I said, trying to keep the conversation going
"Nope. Wrote it all off on vampires."
"Maybe it was a vampire."
"Yeah. Yeah, maybe it was a vampire, Damon." Stefan said giving an accusing look at Damon
"Don't think for a second you didn't cross my mind, too, brother. But these murders weren't your style, were they? Plus there were no other vampires circulating then."
"Well, there was one other vampire. Remember Sage?"
"Oh, right. Sage. Speaking of great sex." Damon smirked
"I knew Sage once. Trashy little thing." Rebekah says again
"You really think it was Sage who was killing all those founders back then?"
"Town questioned every grown man in Mystic Falls. Probably never occurred to them that a woman could have done it." Stefan said thinking about it.

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