55. Escape

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The alarm on my clock went off. Time to take over guarding Jackson. I sighted and got dressed. I was about to put on some heels when I got a bad feeling. I shook my head and putted back the heels and took some other shoes that would make it somewhat easier to run and as finishing touch I took my lucky charm again. I looked in the mirror and did barely some make-up on.
"OK, Cassandra. Here we go." I said to myself and I took my keys and drove to the truck we were keeping Jackson in. I drove and parked my car in front of the truck. I could see Allison's car from my car, but I didn't see anyone in it. I closest my eyes in the hope this wouldn't be real, but when I opened my eyes, it hadn't changed I grabbed my phone and called Stiles.
"I'm here, ready to change guards, but I can't see Scott or Allison."
'What do you mean?'
"I can see Allison's car, but I don't see them in it." Suddenly I heard two heartbeats.
"OK, never mind. I found them and I think I'm going to spoil an intimate moment." Stiles started laughing at the other side of the phone. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the car when I heard a door smash. I turned around, but saw no one at my car, no one at Allison's car... Oh no!
"Come here, now." I started walking to the truck and saw the doors had been cracked open.
"No time for asking questions! Come!" I laid of and walked fast to the car. I partly closed my eyes, knowing what I would see and I knocked on the window. Allison screamed a tiny bit and I heard all kinds of sound coming from inside the car. Suddenly the door opened and Scott came out only wearing his jeans.
"What the f*ck, Cassandra?!"
"You need to see this." Somewhere I was mad at them for having sex during this, but I can't really blame them. The don't see each other that often and it is a human instinct. Not long after that Allison came out the car and we all went to see the truck. Not long after that Stiles drove in what seemed to be his pj's?
"I have to tell my father. Scott. He's going to kill someone."
"Okay, tell him. Tell him everything." Allison said. Doesn't that mean they'll have to tell?
"Scott, I gotta tell mine too." Stiles said looking sad for saying it
"This is all my fault." Scott said. He was looking guilty
"No, it's not, Scott." I say, trying to sooth him
"But we have to tell them. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this." Allison said. she isn't completely right, I only look like a teenager, but this isn't the time to correct her about it.
"You're right." Scott said, not even looking at us
"How you gonna make your dad believe all this?"
"I don't know." There was a silence for a while until I got an idea.
"He'll believe me." I made the wind blow and I turned to the others while I was showing my vampire face. I didn't notice Scott was doing the same, only flashing his eyes yellow until we both said in in sync. I looked at the others and saw shock in their eyes, right they hadn't see like this before. I went back to my normal face and looked down
"Sorry, I know it's bad." Stiles gave me a hug
"It's still you, just ... different."
"He's right." Allison said and soon all the of them were hugging me.
"Thanks, guys." I said and they let go of me
"We have to go tell your fathers." They nodded.
"Uhm, Cass?"
"Yeah?" Scott and Stiles were standing in front of me
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, but maybe you should go with Allison."
"Why? I already told you I can't archaic Latin."
"Yeah, but--"
"You don't want me to go to your father." Stiles looked at his feet and Scott looked at the treetops. I rolled my eyes and got in my car.
"I'll just go home."
"Why don't you just go to Allison's?"
"House filled with hunters? I'm good, I mean Gerard found out about you too. And I'm not invited in, that's the one thing I still can't do without it taking a couple of hours. I think that would make me kind of suspicious." They both made an 'oh' sound and I closed the door of my car.
"Let me know what happens." They nodded and I drove away. Guess I didn't really need shoes for better running. I was driving over a deserted road when suddenly someone ran in front of my car. I immediately hit the breaks, but it was too late and I hit the person. I jumped out of my car to take a look. In front of my car I saw Erica laying there. In an instant I was relaxed again. She'll heal. She opened her eyes and looked at me, shocked
"What. The . Hell. Are you?!" She breathed out and fell unconscious. I sighted. Perfect timing. I grabbed Erica and laid her in the backseat. I drove home and carried Erica inside. I laid her on the couch and grabbed a bag of ice from the kitchen. I heard her wake up and ran vampire speed towards her, which made her look even more scared of me. A little bit scared cant hurt, can it? Right after I thought that I thought of Derek. She's definitely telling Derek. I sighted
"What are you?"
"You really want to know?" I said looking at her she was scared and she nodded like her life depended of it.
"I'm not a werewolf, but I guess you already guessed that." No reaction
"I'm not gonna tell you what I am, but I am gonna tell you what you are going to do." She looked at me, with mixed emotions, but mostly she was scared. I took a step closer and she tried to hide inside my couch, but since that's impossible... 
"You're going to forget what you saw of me tonight, but when there comes a time Derek is going to try and bite me, you're going to stop him. He can't bite me. You understand?" She nodded
"Good girl. You followed me to my house and I busted you in my yard when I ran you over with my mower. You need to come up with an excuse." Erica started blinking like she just woke up after falling asleep in class.
"Erica, why were you in my yard?"
"Uhm- I was just curious where you lived."
"You knew where I live."
"No, I didn't. You never told me."
"So how did you get in my yard?"
"I followed you." I sighted.
"Next time I'm not giving you some ice if I ran you over with my electronic mower."
"Sorry." I handed her the ice and she held it against her head and we started talking. She isn't as bad as she wants everyone to think.

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now